Possibility to get an xmltv file for Asian Sat beams?
Start with these channels:- (in scanned order off Asiasat 5 100.5 degree East)
BEIN Sports 1 - http://www.tvbnetwor...g/beIN-SPORTS-1 (Hong Kong)
BEIN Sports 2 - http://www.tvbnetwor...g/beIN-SPORTS-2 (Hong Kong)
BEIN Sports 3 - http://www.truevisio.../trueworld.aspx & http://www.truevisio...e1.aspx#lang_en The Guide on these sites is java I think and not working too well but you may be able to retreive something shrug. They have IOS and android apps if you can sign in with a fake thailand facebook account (Thailand)
EDGE Sports Channel - http://www.truevisio...e1.aspx#lang_en same as above.
FashionTV HD - http://www.fashiontv.com/schedule (FashionTV Asia guide) download EPG link on this site
Trace Sports Inter HD - http://www.trace.tv/en/tv/sport (may need to adjust timings in guide because Trace sports is on a few diff Sats but these should be the same channel listings on every sat)
Trace Urban Inter HD - http://www.trace.tv/en/tv/urban (may need adjust timings.. there's a general guide for all http://www.trace.tv/en/tv but very difficult to understand)
Truevisions site the only one I could find for edge sports and bein sports 1 THAILAND which is BEIN 3 in the dreamboxedit file..but they all come off that truevisions package.. if you know better guide sites maybe you could find a readable EPG for this but evidently they are quite bad guides
Would love these channels and more if you can do these