Hello, could someone probably doglover tell me why I keep getting the exact same EPG info title/description
across a several transponders... It seems that even though the channel References are Different in my own.channels.xml file (xmltvimport)
the same epg info shows up from :-
<channel id="">1:0:1:0001:0001:0001:03ee0ed2:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- FashionTV HD -->
<channel id="">1:0:1:0001:0001:0001:05658f6c:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Aniplus -->
and quite a few more actually, clearly they are different ID's
what is causing this ? still in RAM wait longer.. done the init 4 , rm -rf /etc/enigma2/epg.dat, init 3 , reboot
EIT disabled in everything all disabled in EPG Settings.
stumped, i wanna get rid of this