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Gstreamer 1.x images for testing

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Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #21 daif01

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 14:36

I will send you out of Windows 7 the sample file from the Videos folder natur.wmv and invite you to download high for at Zippyshare.




Thank you for your test.


Greeting Akki

Than you . i have only Mac, no windows. i have downloaded the file, i can play it with vlc on mac . i do not know who i stream it on enigma 2. how do use to play it on enigma2 ?

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #22 christophecvr

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 15:46

Ups I saw a lot going on with vuduo2 and wmv.


Well for vuduo2 there is not inretnal codec avbl for wma audio    (well for wmv video)


So gstreamer requires by vuduo2 the install installation off gstreamer1.0-libav.


And certainly not !!! ffmpeg


The file for vuduo2/solo2  which needs to be adpated is



	vuplus-dvb-modules-${MACHINE} \
	gstreamer1.0-libav \

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #23 MastaG

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 15:58

Thank you christophecvr.

I'll remove ffmpeg then.

Does it hurt other receivers if I include: gstreamer1.0-libav globally?


For example will it be a problem for dreambox, xtrend etc... if gstreamer1.0-libav is installed there as well?

Edited by MastaG, 7 August 2015 - 16:02.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #24 Akki

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 16:26


I will send you out of Windows 7 the sample file from the Videos folder natur.wmv and invite you to download high for at Zippyshare.




Thank you for your test.


Greeting Akki

Than you . i have only Mac, no windows. i have downloaded the file, i can play it with vlc on mac . i do not know who i stream it on enigma 2. how do use to play it on enigma2 ?



@ daif01


Copy the file you to your Vu + Duo2 into Movie directory and play them from there.




Thank you for your help !!!


Greeting Akki

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #25 christophecvr

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 17:07

Thank you christophecvr.

I'll remove ffmpeg then.

Does it hurt other receivers if I include: gstreamer1.0-libav globally?


For example will it be a problem for dreambox, xtrend etc... if gstreamer1.0-libav is installed there as well?

for if You're running gst-1.0 no not att all gstreamer1.0-libav maybe installed.


For vu+ series (all) it's required actually. But for the majority off boxes it's not required to have gstreamer1.0-libav.  However it's never bad to have them, it contains a lot off codecs. If it is installed so what all audio codecs on the world ever made are avbl.


For the videocodecs it brings nothing since the stb drivers do not allow raw video.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #26 christophecvr

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 17:16

and as extra add  here we are working with gst-1xxx


But if You're are working with an gst-0.10 image


Then by the vu+ series you must install

	vuplus-dvb-modules-${MACHINE} \
	gst-ffmpeg \

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #27 MastaG

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 17:43

Yes I understand, but if it doesn't break anything for other receivers, then I'll add it by default.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #28 christophecvr

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 17:49

Yes I understand, but if it doesn't break anything for other receivers, then I'll add it by default.

Yes I always have found it's not a bad idea to have it installed in every box.


Off course only for the boxes with pcm and raw audio capacity.


The dm800se ,dm8000 ,vuduo,vuduo2,vusolo,vusolo2 and ... is

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #29 daif01

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 19:11



I will send you out of Windows 7 the sample file from the Videos folder natur.wmv and invite you to download high for at Zippyshare.




Thank you for your test.


Greeting Akki

Than you . i have only Mac, no windows. i have downloaded the file, i can play it with vlc on mac . i do not know who i stream it on enigma 2. how do use to play it on enigma2 ?



@ daif01


Copy the file you to your Vu + Duo2 into Movie directory and play them from there.




Thank you for your help !!!


Greeting Akki


I have test it on Vu+duo2 , no audio.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #30 Akki

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 19:36

Thanks for testing, then we are waiting times to the next Test Image of @MastaG and looking forward to it.


Greeting Akki

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #31 MastaG

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 22:22

New images from 2015-08-07:

Please refer to the first post for general notes !

Changes since last builds:

- Fix for HLS playback from rudream (reported by Alexvrs)
- IPTV Player (thx to athoik for the recipes)
- Dream Explorer (had to remove dependency for gst-plugins-good-flv)
- gstreamer1.0-libav for VU (thx to christophecvr for pointing this out)
- CCcam
- mgcamd


- Now the dreambox related patches (ac3/dts bypass and fix for black screen on zap) are only applied for dreambox receivers
  All other receivers use clean enigma2 without any patches
- Only dreambox receivers are using gstreamer1.0-plugin-multibox-dvbmediasink
  All other receivers use the default gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink

Source code changes can be found here:

- Still no support for Mut@nt HD500C, someone from OpenPLi please merge master into gst-1 and update the meta-hd :-)

Please let me know If you would like to include something from the PLi feed.

I'll add it to my next build.


Xtrend ET10000: https://mega.co.nz/#...GUQS9a9tztjUZqk

Xtrend ET9x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...C0Fgi58SIgha2JQ

Xtrend ET8500: https://mega.co.nz/#...2KTP_JKl7SYfPv4

Xtrend ET8000: https://mega.co.nz/#...CkbcIpnQbfhmAJM

Xtrend ET7x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...jt4ItA_V6-vqjGQ

Xtrend ET6x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...zBWqKrNwNobHhyU

Xtrend ET5x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...pvC2ZcyjwUE2siw

Xtrend ET4x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...jD_7HE7LB6CrJQA


Formuler F1: https://mega.co.nz/#...YgMEX6rq3d2wIOM

Formuler F3: https://mega.co.nz/#...1YU0bZhPuYdbjZk


Mut@nt HD2400: https://mega.co.nz/#...nk69JrVoe0Xiehg

Mut@nt HD1200: https://mega.co.nz/#...Kc164_J33YurMS4

Mut@nt HD1100: https://mega.co.nz/#...ao8t0LFZWqRy2NY


MaxDigital XP1000: https://mega.co.nz/#...JsDfnmMHEWlDnyc


Dreambox DM8000: https://mega.co.nz/#...0kQt16j6YolQzxc

Dreambox DM800SE: https://mega.co.nz/#...SEn4mKwKH9luwLo

Dreambox DM500HD: https://mega.co.nz/#...SPsLJO1ogJ_bDcU

Dreambox DM800: https://mega.co.nz/#...wT6STM90d2Hq5NE

Dreambox DM7020: https://mega.co.nz/#...uE9NYKi8JkA7zzg

Dreambox DM800SE V2: https://mega.co.nz/#...Er2VJN0r7dl9N-M

Dreambox DM500HD V2: https://mega.co.nz/#...fhcrlZTIYf7jQSY


Zgemma Star (H1, H2, S and 2S): https://mega.co.nz/#...jYUnHhqdaSl8FfM


VU Duo: https://mega.co.nz/#...UM2uumaqKlBhMcs

VU Duo 2: https://mega.co.nz/#...XhU90YDOL56WZdM

VU Solo: https://mega.co.nz/#...ellxguBkM4_srl8

VU Solo 2: https://mega.co.nz/#...Fb5OZTPtvz6yLUg

VU Solo SE: https://mega.co.nz/#...fdzzMK__J69yU6E

VU Ultimo: https://mega.co.nz/#...tMsJFt13SA0M1xU

VU Uno: https://mega.co.nz/#...62bIesRcmkbu6MQ

VU Zero: https://mega.co.nz/#...mS83TSPNwLbdRWc


If you encounter problems playing various streams then:
1. Make sure it plays fine in VLC first !
2. Submit some logging:
Use telnet to login into your receiver (if you're on Windows you can use PuTTY for example).
The username is: root
No password is required.
First close enigma2 using this command: init 4
Then run enigma2 manually by this command: enigma2
Try to reproduce the problem and paste the output of the telnet session here.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #32 Akki

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 22:48



thank you for the new Image builds, I will it equal to flash on my Duo2 and report whether wmv files
the sound is played.


Is it possible now to build Autofs from PLI Feed to install?


Greeting Akki


Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #33 pybear38

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Posted 7 August 2015 - 23:18






Thank you. I test and come back...



TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #34 Akki

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 00:27



shame, unfortunately is also the new build Image no sound since wmv files.


Maybe you can identify what the log file, what it is or not.


Greeting Akki

Attached Files

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #35 osianese

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 00:57


installed in multiboot and various things do not work
hhd not read the feeds do not work
iPTV ok

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #36 pybear38

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 02:22





and for me nothing change. Black screen when I zap.

picture ok if I reboot openpli gui with each channel

and for the sound it is aleatory: ok or no. (Sound is better than the last image)


If dream explorer is no ok, can you take it off in next image et put the dependency for gst-plugins-good-flv)


thank you


Edited by pybear38, 8 August 2015 - 02:22.

TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #37 MastaG

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 11:40


Thanks a lot for the log.

Unfortunately we still see: <   954.648260> [eServiceMP3] m_errorInfo.missing_codec = audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int)2, bitrate=(int)192040

Could you maybe do the following in telnet: opkg list-installed | grep libav

And see if it lists gstreamer1.0-libav

I'm not sure whether libav should automatically kick in and play the WMA audio for  us.

Maybe christophecvr can tell us more?



I'm not familiar with multiboot.

But baybe that's the cause for your HDD?

Try to flash it directly maybe.

Sorry but I'm not hosting a feed server, if you need a certain plugin then I can add it to my next build.

Glad to know IPTV is working.



Too bad the black screen still happens :(

Would you maybe submit another log of when it happens?

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #38 extrasmooth

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 11:55

Thanks MastaG for uploading these images.
Would it be possible to include crossepg, xmltvimport and auto resolution plugins in the next builds?

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #39 zendra

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 12:02

I've flashed HD500HD and for can't find any problem. Until now, I've watched two mkv movies with DD/DTS audio (passthrough without downgrade to stereo) and external/internal subtitles, DVB-T and satellite programs without any problem.
Also, mediaportal is working as expected.


Thanks for images :)


Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #40 pybear38

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 13:20

here my log Enigma2.log
I don't understand one thing.
If I reinstall OpenPli4 with old gstreamer 0,10 (gst-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux_0.10.23.1+git12245+fb0d870-r5_mips32el and gst-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux_0.10.23.1+git12245+fb0d870-r5_mips32el)
picture is OK and very fast and I have no black screen but only the audio is not good.
I hope you can do something.
thank you so much

TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

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