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VU Solo 4k support

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Re: VU Solo 4k support #61 malakudi

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 17:19

Yes, PIP works fine (If someone can say "fine" for the PiP support in VU's enigma2. It is so "ancient")


edit: frontends are 8 (0 to 7). In the above list, frontend8 is from satipclient, but it doesn't work. Also usb dvb-t tuners don't work.

Edited by malakudi, 12 November 2015 - 17:21.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #62 Erik Slagter

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 17:30

If you have 15 (apparently) demuxers, how would you manage to make recordings of more than 15 (independent) sources ;) I think it's a bit sparse for a receiver with 16 virtual tuners...

Edited by Erik Slagter, 12 November 2015 - 17:31.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
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Re: VU Solo 4k support #63 Erik Slagter

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 17:32

Malakudi, what's wrong with PiP? I use it very frequently.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
I don't read PM -> if you have something to ask or to report, do it in the forum so others can benefit. I don't take freelance jobs.
Ik lees geen PM -> als je iets te vragen of te melden hebt, doe het op het forum, zodat anderen er ook wat aan hebben.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #64 malakudi

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 17:45

PiP on VU+'s enigma2? It is like it was 3 years ago on OpenPLi. Now OpenPLi PiP is great (split screen etc options).

Re: VU Solo 4k support #65 Erik Slagter

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 18:27

I Never use that ;)

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
I don't read PM -> if you have something to ask or to report, do it in the forum so others can benefit. I don't take freelance jobs.
Ik lees geen PM -> als je iets te vragen of te melden hebt, doe het op het forum, zodat anderen er ook wat aan hebben.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #66 Rob van der Does

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 21:47

If you have 15 (apparently) demuxers, how would you manage to make recordings of more than 15 (independent) sources ;) I think it's a bit sparse for a receiver with 16 virtual tuners...

The box has 8 'real' tuners build in (+ the option to plug in a conventional (dual) tuner).

Re: VU Solo 4k support #67 mirakels

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 23:06

Can you post the following?

ls -1  /dev/dvb/adapter*/* | sort

This could also give some interesting information:


cd /proc/stb

grep -r  ""  .

Geen wonder... Had slechts een dm7000, maar wel ook een rotor. eigenlijk al een tijdje ook een dm600 en dm7025. Maar nu kijkend met een et9000 en vuduo

Re: VU Solo 4k support #68 malakudi

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 23:12

@mirakels: Here it is:

root@vusolo4k:/proc/stb# grep -r "" .
./tsmux/input9_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input8_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input7_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input6_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input5_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input4_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input3_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input2_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input1_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./tsmux/input0_choices:CI0 A B C D E F G H I J
./lcd/live_enable_choices:enable disable standby
./fb/primary/3d_choices:off sbs tab
./fb/alpha_op_choices:copysrc const
./vmpeg/1/progressive_override_choices:disable top_bottom bottom_top
./vmpeg/1/fallback_framerate_choices:unknown 23976 24000 25000 29970 30000 50000 59940 60000
./vmpeg/0/fallback_framerate_choices:unknown 23976 24000 25000 29970 30000 50000 59940 60000
./vmpeg/0/sharpness_control_choices:disable enable
./vmpeg/deinterlace_choices:off on auto
./ir/rc/key_swap_choices:off on
./ir/mouse/up_down_swap_choices:off on
./ir/mouse/left_right_swap_choices:off on
./frontend/fbc/fcc_choices:enable disable
./frontend/9/rf_switch_choices:external internal
./frontend/9/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/8/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/7/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/6/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/5/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/4/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/3/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/2/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/1/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./frontend/0/static_current_limiting_choices:off on
./avs/0/sb_choices:0 6 12 auto
./avs/0/fb_choices:low high
./avs/0/colorformat_choices:cvbs rgb svideo yuv
./audio/3d_surround_choices:dac spdif hdmi none
./audio/3d_surround_speaker_position_choices:center wide extrawide
./audio/avl_choices:dac spdif hdmi none
./audio/ac3_choices:downmix passthrough
./audio/aac_choices:downmix passthrough
./video/zapmode_choices:mute hold mutetilllock holdtilllock
./video/zapping_mode_choices:mute hold mutetilllock holdtilllock
./video/videomode_choices:pal ntsc 480i 576i 1080i 1080p 720p 480p 1080i50 1080p24 1080p25 1080p30 1080p50 1080p60 720p24 720p50 576p 2160p50 2160p
./video/videomode_60hz_choices:pal ntsc 480i 576i 480p 576p 720p50 720p 1080i 1080i50 1080p50 1080p 2160p50 2160p
./video/videomode_50hz_choices:pal ntsc 480i 576i 480p 576p 720p50 720p 1080i 1080i50 1080p50 1080p 2160p50 2160p
./video/policy_choices:bestfit letterbox panscan nonlinear
./video/hdmi_colorspace_choices:Edid(Auto) Hdmi_Rgb Itu_R_BT_709 Unknown DVI_Full_Range_RGB FCC Itu_R_BT_470_2_BG Smpte_170M Smpte_240M bestfit letterbox panscan nonlinear

Re: VU Solo 4k support #69 athoik

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 23:21

Did you manage to make old cams work? (Eg cccam, there was arm build)
Wavefield T90: 0.8W - 1.9E - 4.8E - 13E - 16E - 19.2E - 23.5E - 26E - 33E - 39E - 42E - 45E on EMP Centauri DiseqC 16/1
Unamed: 13E Quattro - 9E Quattro on IKUSI MS-0916

Re: VU Solo 4k support #70 malakudi

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 09:45

It doesn't work.

file CCcam.armeb
CCcam.armeb: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, stripped
file CCcam.armeb.eabi
CCcam.armeb.eabi: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, ARM, EABI4 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, stripped
file oscam
oscam: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.26, BuildID[sha1]=8adafacb899788c59afa76d594ef588a46610c84, stripped
So the difference is that VU+ Solo4K expects LSB architecture and CCcam binaries are MSB.
I even tried the mgcamd.arm binary that works on CoolStream boxes. This runs but also doesn't work because it is designed for Coolstream API and not DVBAPI.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #71 Erik Slagter

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 10:33


If you have 15 (apparently) demuxers, how would you manage to make recordings of more than 15 (independent) sources ;) I think it's a bit sparse for a receiver with 16 virtual tuners...

The box has 8 'real' tuners build in (+ the option to plug in a conventional (dual) tuner).

When that tuner is a FBC tuner as well, you will get 16 tuners :)

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
I don't read PM -> if you have something to ask or to report, do it in the forum so others can benefit. I don't take freelance jobs.
Ik lees geen PM -> als je iets te vragen of te melden hebt, doe het op het forum, zodat anderen er ook wat aan hebben.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #72 Rob van der Does

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 11:05



If you have 15 (apparently) demuxers, how would you manage to make recordings of more than 15 (independent) sources ;) I think it's a bit sparse for a receiver with 16 virtual tuners...

The box has 8 'real' tuners build in (+ the option to plug in a conventional (dual) tuner).


When that tuner is a FBC tuner as well, you will get 16 tuners :)


(1 FBC-tuner) = (1 conventional) + (3 conventional looped-through tuners).

As the box has 2 FBC-tuners, this equals a total of 8 (fixed embedded) tuners.
Added to that can be one conventional (DUAL) tuner, so that brings the maximum number of built-in tuners to 10 (there is no FBC plug in tuner).

Re: VU Solo 4k support #73 malakudi

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 11:11

@Rob: Currently there isn't. I guess what Erik says that if sometime in future VU+ releases a module with 2 additional FBC tuners, then the box could have 16 tuners. Or he has some inside info that such a module will eventually get released?

Re: VU Solo 4k support #74 Erik Slagter

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 11:23

Exactly my drift.


But I guess there will be a VU+ Duo4k at some time, with a "bigger" SoC that will have more demuxers and more tuner slots, for that purpose.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
I don't read PM -> if you have something to ask or to report, do it in the forum so others can benefit. I don't take freelance jobs.
Ik lees geen PM -> als je iets te vragen of te melden hebt, doe het op het forum, zodat anderen er ook wat aan hebben.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #75 malakudi

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 11:54

Blindscan doesn't work. In Blackhole review they mention a newer driver, but current Blackhole doesn't support Blindscan. The included utility doesn't find any transponders in blind scan mode. Transcoding doesn't work too. SD scaling lucks detail compared to VU+ Duo2/Solo2.


This box is coming to market too early (like most of them right now). This has to be stopped. If the reviewers don't mention all the problematic issues on launch, this is not going to be fixed ever. Early adopters pay a premium and they are used like beta testers!

Edited by malakudi, 13 November 2015 - 11:57.

Re: VU Solo 4k support #76 pop_eye

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 12:43

@malakudi - I cannot stress enough that this is by now the norm for hyped linux stbs.

$50 box is more then sufficient to test a handful of x265 satellite streams and playback the growing number of

torrent releases since 'hvec' might get be adopted for such purposes due to better compression and better image quality

Re: VU Solo 4k support #77 Rob van der Does

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 16:18

If the reviewers don't mention all the problematic issues on launch, this is not going to be fixed ever. Early adopters pay a premium and they are used like beta testers!

Have you in say the last 10 years ever seen any review for any hardware that really goes into the depth of any device and really reveals the flaws?

I haven't. And I'm baffled on every review I read and see about the superficiality of the complete story. Just one example: look at the recent Dr. Dish review of the Solo 4k. Nothing but superficiality, just telling the specs of the box and shouting with joy....

Re: VU Solo 4k support #78 malakudi

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 16:33

@Rob: Well, mine reviews (I review for a Greek magazine) are always complete and they don't hide anything. I always mention anything not working. Unfortunately they are in Greek language and Google translate makes a really bad translation.


Here is the outcome of my recent review on VU+ Solo 4K (to be published in a few days):

"The first Linux/Enigma2 Ultra HD satellite receiver is a fact. VU+ Solo 4K has some amazing technical features. It not only supports Ultra HD and HEVC, but comes with innovations like the FBC tuners and USB 3.0 support. The strength of VU+ Solo 4K cpu can be seen in all aspects, from the really fast channel change up to the really fast Enigma2 loading times. Unfortunately, the list of mentioned capabilities that are still not working is big. Quality SD scaling, XBMC, transcoding, blindscan, USB tuners, SAT>IP are just some of the features that should work and they don't. Change of architecture (from MIPS to ARM) brings incompatibility issues with most popular emulators. We will keep an eye on driver changes from VU+ and promise a new review in a couple of months, when most issues should be resolved."

Re: VU Solo 4k support #79 Rob van der Does

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 16:49

@ Malakudi: I take your word for it. I'm not that good in Greek though, so I must have missed those :)

But then you must feel quite lonely in the field of honest reviewers!

Re: VU Solo 4k support #80 pop_eye

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Posted 13 November 2015 - 17:01


If the reviewers don't mention all the problematic issues on launch, this is not going to be fixed ever. Early adopters pay a premium and they are used like beta testers!

Have you in say the last 10 years ever seen any review for any hardware that really goes into the depth of any device and really reveals the flaws?

I haven't. And I'm baffled on every review I read and see about the superficiality of the complete story. Just one example: look at the recent Dr. Dish review of the Solo 4k. Nothing but superficiality, just telling the specs of the box and shouting with joy....


This is because today consumerism is as such. If consumers accept garbage support for high amount price,

then they also need to understand that manufacturing companies are treating them same as the products they are advertising.

And then since this is all based on hype they wonder why some users accept purchasing cloned products the first place ?

Do you see the relation between these facts ?

Linux stbs were considered avant-garde at some point - not anymore, because profit is king for manufacturers and since many

have hit the marker with substandard support it is now accepted as fact and life goes on.

Again the main point here is that consumers make the choice and with their own purchasing habits allow this to happen.

What can be changed ? Many things. For starters , first boycotting substandard appliances...or only pay the price which is right for the product

you are choosing. Do not allow them fool your senses. :)

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