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Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

kodi vuplus

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#1 mx3L

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Posted 9 January 2016 - 18:48



As you probably already know there exists Kodi (XBMC) 13.2 plugin for other images like OpenATV, OpenBH, BH.. but this version is outdated. As a consequence many addons are not supported anymore.


Since XBMC modified by vuplus is mostly open-source(aside gles initialization), I ported/modified all neccessary changes to make update to latest stable version of Kodi possible.





- updated to latest stable release 15.2

- ContextMenu is bind to mute button, Escape is bind to exit button (idea taken from http://www.vuplus-community.net/)

- remote mount used hdd can be used as storage

- added Enigma2Player based on ExternalPlayer

 * gathers subtitles links from addons and passes it to clients

- Enigma2Player is set as default player for every video/audio


Kodi E2 plugin(kodiext):

- subtitles support by subssupport plugin

- correctly handles xbmc urls with added http headers


Known Issues:


- audioengine in kodi is disabled since it doesn't work correctly(choppy sound), however it looks to be solvable since alsa is working on vuplus when tested with aplay

- internal video player is working but without sound as said above. It will have only limited use if sound is fixed, since only low quality video is fluent, because of software decoding.

- when kodi exits, it always crashes. I debug it with gdb and find out that problem lies in vu gles drivers:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x777b5238 in ?? ()
   from /home/marko/Projects/Sdk/openpli-mipsel32-kodi-image/sysroots/mips32el-oe-linux/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so



How to build:


1. clone openpli-oe-core master-next branch

git clone https://github.com/OpenPLi/openpli-oe-core -b master-next

2. enter to openpli-oe-core directory and setup your build environment

cd openpli-oe-core;make

3. enter meta-vuplus directory, add my remote fork of meta-vuplus layer, checkout kodi_15_2 branch

cd meta-vuplus;git remote add vukodi https://github.com/mx3L/meta-vuplus.git;git fetch vukodi;git checkout kodi_15_2

4. enter meta-local directory, clone kodi recipes

cd ../meta-local/;git clone https://github.com/mx3L/recipes-kodi.git

5. enter build directory, set build environment variables, build kodi-image for your machine(vusolose,vusolo2,vuduo2), I set vusolose.

cd ../build/;source env.source;MACHINE=vusolose bitbake kodi-image

6. If everything goes as it should, your kodi image is in your build directory:



If you already built master-next, you have to clean vuplus-dvb-modules from rootfs, otherwise there will be collision with vuplus-dvb-proxy.

MACHINE=yourmachine bitbake vuplus-dvb-modules -f -c clean

Testing images:


- these images are built on master-next branch of openpli-oe-core and are only ment for testing(no feeds available, you've to build them or include your packages in kodi-image.bb), only vusolose image is tested, since I don't have other receivers.

Please try vusolo2 and vuduo2 images and let me know if Kodi is working.













Thank you to @samsamsam, who send me his ffmpeg configure options

Edited by mx3L, 9 January 2016 - 18:49.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #2 fankoosh

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 10:46

Does it includes latest gst1.0 (1.6.1 or later) & new drivers? ,thank you for the build I also have vusoloSE☺

Edited by fankoosh, 11 January 2016 - 10:47.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #3 babsy98

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 11:52

nice work, have you ask jay to help update the so

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #4 mx3L

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 12:53

Does it includes latest gst1.0 (1.6.1 or later) & new drivers? ,thank you for the build I also have vusoloSE☺

- gstreamer-1.6.2

- latest dvb-proxy drivers: http://code.vuplus.c...c99833b1c00e2a2



nice work, have you ask jay to help update the so

Thanks, sorry I'm not sure what you mean

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #5 MastaG

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 13:07

So does it depend on OpenGL ES for rendering the gui?

Or will it work with the traditional framebuffer (/dev/fb) as well?

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #6 mx3L

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 13:18

Kodi needs a 3D capable GPU graphics hardware controller for all rendering. The required 3D GPU chips are common today in most modern computers, and even some set-top boxes. Kodi runs well on what (by Intel ATOM standards) are relatively underpowered OpenGL 1.3 (with GLSL support), OpenGL ES 2.0 or Direct3D (DirectX) 9.0 capable systems that are IA-32/x86, x86-64, or ARM CPU based.



So I guess it will not run on traditional framebuffer

Edited by mx3L, 11 January 2016 - 13:18.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #7 MastaG

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 14:10

Yes I've used to built it back in the days for my odroid board to make it use the mfc for hardware decoding.

But like you quoted it always requires some form of hardware acceleration for rendering the gui.

Also a quick google reveils that the duo2, solo2 and solose features opengl es support.

That's nice, I can imagine fun projects.. like porting some emulators for example.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #8 Taapat

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 14:16

Thank you to @samsamsam, who send me his ffmpeg configure options


Check my ffmpeg configure options: https://github.com/T...ffmpeg_2.8.4.bb


I think it will be able to reduce the ffmpeg size by few Mb.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #9 babsy98

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 16:28

jay , main engineer vuplus he have create the kodi 13 version

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #10 littlesat

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 16:37

Is this a complete KODI image -or- KODI plugin to E2?

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #11 mx3L

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 16:53


Thank you to @samsamsam, who send me his ffmpeg configure options


Check my ffmpeg configure options: https://github.com/T...ffmpeg_2.8.4.bb


I think it will be able to reduce the ffmpeg size by few Mb.


Thanks! will check


jay , main engineer vuplus he have create the kodi 13 version

No, I didn't have any help from vuplus


Is this a complete KODI image -or- KODI plugin to E2?


This is enigma2 image with Kodi plugin, which launches Kodi and provides player for Kodi


So Kodi enigma2 plugin starts Kodi, then within Kodi when you try to play audio/video it switches again to Kodi enigma2 plugin for playback.

When you exit Kodi your are again in Enigma2.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #12 jrbmw

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 19:58

Tried the image on my vuduo 2.When I click on Kodi the box goes back to tv channel

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #13 mx3L

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 20:06

Please post here output after these commands:

init 4;sleep 4

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #14 mx3L

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Posted 11 January 2016 - 21:03

Also please include kodi.log, right after kodi exits,


it should be located in:


or if you don't have hdd in:



Edited by mx3L, 11 January 2016 - 21:03.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #15 DirtyDonki

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Posted 12 January 2016 - 18:57

Tried the image on my vuduo 2.When I click on Kodi the box goes back to tv channel

Happened to me too. Not finding the HDD. Make sure your HDD is mounted as /mnt/hdd/.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #16 MastaG

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Posted 12 January 2016 - 19:14

Many plugins have this problem. They all expect /mnt/hdd to be present. However if you format your usb device it will show up as /media/usb.
Thats why I always create a symlink.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #17 mx3L

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Posted 12 January 2016 - 20:19


Thanks for letting us know!


Actually I had the same problem, kodi script for lauching kodi crashed when no hdd was available, because of error in it.

I thought I fixed it just before release, but maybe there is still old version in there. Can you post here /usr/bin/kodi file?

Edited by mx3L, 12 January 2016 - 20:24.

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #18 jrbmw

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Posted 13 January 2016 - 10:01

Tried the image in Multiboot and Kodi  didnt work .....as posted

Loaded the image on its own and works fine on my Duo2

Only problem is when I reinstalled my B Hole backup image every addon on Xbmc was wiped.

All part of this Hobby I guess, 



Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #19 littlesat

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Posted 13 January 2016 - 10:04

Is it possible to make a stand-alone plugin?

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2 #20 DirtyDonki

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Posted 13 January 2016 - 12:23

Tried the image in Multiboot and Kodi  didnt work .....as posted

Loaded the image on its own and works fine on my Duo2

Only problem is when I reinstalled my B Hole backup image every addon on Xbmc was wiped.

All part of this Hobby I guess, 



I got it to work in both multiboot & flash. In multiboot it mounted the HDD as omb(?), So I used a symlink & Kodi fired up nicely.


So for me all scenarios work on my Duo2 but sadly I can't run Navi nor Genesis. I get an 'error check the log' message wherein I find:




16:42:36 T:1448080496 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(21, /media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x/default.py): entering source directory /media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x
16:42:36 T:1458041968 NOTICE: {'platform': 'linux'}
16:42:36 T:1458041968 NOTICE: {'xbmc version': '15.2 Git:2016-01-09-c42cb0e-dirty'}
16:42:36 T:1458041968 NOTICE: {'XBMC Major Version': 15}
16:42:36 T:1448080496 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(21, /media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x/default.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.navi-x" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
16:42:36 T:1483732080 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
Error Contents: No module named icalendar.caselessdict
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x/default.py", line 316, in <module>
import navix
File "/media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x/src/navix.py", line 36, in <module>
from libs2 import *
File "/media/hdd/.kodi/addons/script.navi-x/src/libs2.py", line 33, in <module>
from compiler import parse
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/compiler/__init__.py", line 29, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/compiler/transformer.py", line 29, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/parser.py", line 20, in <module>
from icalendar.caselessdict import CaselessDict
ImportError: No module named icalendar.caselessdict
-->End of Python script error report<--

Edited by DirtyDonki, 13 January 2016 - 12:24.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: kodi, vuplus

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