It also can happen that EPG refresh is running (claiming a tuner)
When EPG refrash is running as far I thought it zaps through channels.... Then the "zapper" should be stopped.... Or does it also start services in the "background"...
In addition to EGPrefresh I personally do not see any real added value... I think this is something terrible... But I see a lot of user do use it....
I could also think of people who say that streaming is more important than a recording...
Learn about what Steve Jobs is telling us... do not give too many options.... You make stuff really uncontrollable by adding tons of configs... I would strongly recommend to give recordings the highest priority once you set it like that...
At the end when a timer recording has priority it should be arrange that a recording can claim a tuner anyway...
And during the programming of a timer the tuner availability is always checked...(conflict check)... and when you do not ignore this check you should always be able to force a start of a recording....
I think once you give high priority to recordings that you should be able to stop anything that claims a tuner... (PIP, EPGRefresh, Stream... another recording).... so when you want to give a recording the right-a-way.... we should force it in a simple way.... By just "claiming" a possible tuner.... (and not go for an extreme complicated patch).
Ik zag net al dat PIP wordt onderbroken, en je een vraagstelling kunt krijgen... daar mag eigenlijk toegevoegd worden het stoppen van streams...
Als we het rete eenvoudig houden bouwen we in failureCB een stap voor stap process bij... die eerst PIP stopt... streams die er zijn stopt... checked of een opname kan, zo ja OK... neem op...., dan checked of EPGrefresh loopt... zo ja stopt deze eventueel (als nodig), checked of opname kan, stop een stream als die loopt, check of het kan... en dan zappen, checked of het kan en dan een foutmelding dat het echt vol is....
Edited by littlesat, 25 January 2016 - 19:23.