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Lots of changes and missing EPG

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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #201 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 4 October 2019 - 13:53

epgkodibg - do up, changes and fixes. After a few days maybe all is OK. 

Here are some websites - https://tv.dir.bg/ , https://epg.kodibg.org/ , https://www.тв-програма.bg/ , http://www.potv.bg/tv-programa/ , https://www.dnes.bg/tv.php 




Yes, but which website lists VTK?



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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #202 didozgemma

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Posted 4 October 2019 - 15:33

Now checked  - VTK epg is have only https://www.vivacom....v/programa/?c=1 and https://epg.kodibg.org/. 

In the following, I will try to put a ref on a few bg and other iptv channels that I saw on these websites. Greetings doglover.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #203 doglover

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Posted 5 October 2019 - 08:21

Can you help in finding the schedule for

Antena 3

Comedy Central Extra

B1B action


for more than 1 day.


Thanks in advance.




PS: found VTK  (I think it is listed as BTK)

Edited by doglover, 5 October 2019 - 08:22.

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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #204 didozgemma

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 10:02

I noticed a strange problem (on both my receivers) - in the schedule of some programs there are cut letters or phrases, which leads to confusion. For example, Indiana Jones II  is spelled only as Indiana Jone or Wild River - Wild and no description (on Bulgarian language). All test on Bulgarian channels (A1,Bulsatcom, Vivacom) and the problem manifests itself on different channels.
Also, the epg (from satellite transponders) is not updated if the plugin is turned on and the current epg is downloaded from yours sources and saved.
I found schedule for Comedy Central Extra South and B1B action in epg.kodibg. For Antena 3 - nothing.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #205 doglover

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 13:09

Tried to find it:

<programme start="20191012183000 +0300" stop="20191012210000 +0300" channel="bTVAction.bg">
    <title lang="bg">"Индиана Джоун</title>
    <desc lang="bg">Държава: САЩ
Година: 2003
Жанрове: Фентъзи

Режисьор: (сценарий) Barbara Hall В ролите: Джо Мантеня, Мери Стийнбърген, Амбър Тъмблин, Джейсън Ритър
"Joan of Arcadia": На всеки човек му се случва поне веднъж да говори с Господ и да се моли за някакви неща. Какво обаче ще се случи, ако Господ наистина отговори?
Някаква идея за това има тийнейджърката Джоун. Нейното семейство наскоро се е преместило в малкото градче Аркадия, след като баща й е назначен за шеф на полицията там. Джоун никак не е доволна, а останалите членове от семейството й не й помагат – по-малкият й брат Люк е обсебен от науката, по-големият Кевин е бивша звезда по американски футбол, но сега е инвалид, а майка й Хелън прекалява както с мрънкането, така и с грижите за порасналите си деца.
Тогава Джоун започва да говори с Господ и той й отговаря чрез случайни реплики от хора около нея. Така Джоун започва да помага на семейството, приятелите си и случайни хора, без да е сигурно дали прави добро или просто изкуква.
През 2004-а Амбър Тамблин е номинирана за „Златен глобус“ за най-добра актриса в драматичен сериал.От 24 декември 2009 г. по AXN.
От 13 септември до 26 ноември 2011 г. по Нова телевизия</desc>

When I put this Индиана Джоун in Google translate, it comes out as Indiana Jones.

I see there is a " too much.  Will fix it.



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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #206 doglover

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 13:22

Can you explain this:

Also, the epg (from satellite transponders) is not updated if the plugin is turned on and the current epg is downloaded from yours sources and saved.


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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #207 didozgemma

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 14:26

I explain.
For example, the Indiana Jones content you described above. The content and the name are wrong - I wait a few seconds to refresh info from satellite transponder (i watch the channel) - it doesn't work (schedule not update to correct).
If the plugin is off and I do not have a epg.dat file, the transmission information is loaded correctly for X days.
I guess this is because the enigma sees that there is an info about Indiana Jones - he does not know if it is correct or not and does not update the info about it. If so, the problem will have to be fixed or create custom channels for my playlist that only they can get an epg from the plugin.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #208 doglover

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 15:01

Is the schedule wrong?  Or just one show?


In this case, is it just this show.  Or the complete schedule?

For this channel the schedule comes from tv.dir.bg


And what do I see when I go the website itself for 12/10 - 18:30


18.30"Индиана Джоунс и последният кръстоносен поход" - приключенски, екшън (САЩ, 1989), режисьор Стивън Спилбърг, в ролите: Харисън Форд, Шон Конъри, Денълм Елиът, Алисън Дууди, Джон Рис-Дейвис, Джулиън Главър, Айла Блеър, Вернон Добчев и др.


But when I click on the >  to see the details, I get something not quite "Indiana Jones"

Is the website giving the wrong information?



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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #209 didozgemma

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 15:41

Here are some examples (attach pictures). And this is observed on different channels at different times. There is some confusion about the shows and info, and now there is a lack of fonts.
Schedule from tv.dir.bg is not full correct . If click on ">" on now schedule is redirect to wrong webpage.
i have no observations whether the problem is long overdue or on a website now.
Anyway - I will continue to watch for bugs and write here.
If I am overdoing problems and requests, please write to stop.
Dido - Дидо

Attached Files

  • Attached File  3.JPG   103.42KB   3 downloads
  • Attached File  4.JPG   120.45KB   2 downloads

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #210 doglover

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Posted 7 October 2019 - 15:55

OK.  This is something we have to get right.  And it is not easy for me. (I have to compare pictures!!!)

I removed the grabbing of the detail pages for the moment.  I will only grab the index-page.  Hopefully this is more correct.


However this means I have to regrab everything from tv.dir.bg.  Which will take some time.

So the schedule will be uploaded later this evening.

Nothing has changed to the channels file, so just a new import will suffice.




PS: the examples (screenshot) all have EPG taken from tv.dir.bg

Edited by doglover, 7 October 2019 - 15:59.

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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #211 didozgemma

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Posted 11 October 2019 - 10:52

The problem of missing letters and phrases continues. It manifests itself at different times and in different programs.

Can we test one week for example a epg.kodibg source instead of a one from a tv.dir.bg?

Greetings from BG.



Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #212 doglover

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Posted 11 October 2019 - 13:14

I am using several different websites.  Can you tell me which channels (3 or 4 ) have problems with these missing letters and phrases.

I can change the grab pages, but I need to know which page (channels) to change.


One remark though:  epg.kodi is just a grab from other websites.  And I found out they also have sometimes only 1 or 2 days schedule.


At the momet I am using:








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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #213 didozgemma

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Posted 18 October 2019 - 08:57

After a few days of observation, I think I've identified the problem with missing letters and phrases in the info. When there is a "-" or "." In the title (for example, X-Men or Mr. Robot) it shows only the first letter and the rest in the info.
The example below is in Bulgarian. X-Men The beginning (Х-мен Началото).This may be a problem when getting info from websites. From satellite transponder info comes always right.
10:35 — 12:25     Х (+108 min)
12:25 — 14:10     LEGO Нинджаго: Филмът, анимация, САЩ, 2017; реж. Чарли Бийн, Пол Фишър, Боб Лога (105 min)


10:35 — 12:25     Х (+108 min)
мен Началото: Въркола, екшън фентъзи, САЩ, 2009; реж. Гавин уд, с ю Джакман, Лив Шрайбър, Дани юстън, Уил Ай Ем, Лин Колинс, [12+
12:25 — 14:10     LEGO Нинджаго: Филмът, анимация, САЩ, 2017; реж. Чарли Бийн, Пол Фишър, Боб Лога (105 min)

Edited by didozgemma, 18 October 2019 - 08:59.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #214 didozgemma

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Posted 18 October 2019 - 09:08

More info. 
This is show on box (main title)
10:35 — 12:25     Х (+108 min)
12:25 — 14:10     LEGO Нинджаго: Филмът, анимация, САЩ, 2017; реж. Чарли Бийн, Пол Фишър, Боб Лога (105 min)


This is on box after open info/schedule.


10:35 — 12:25     Х (+108 min)
мен Началото: Въркола, екшън фентъзи, САЩ, 2009; реж. Гавин уд, с ю Джакман, Лив Шрайбър, Дани юстън, Уил Ай Ем, Лин Колинс, [12+
12:25 — 14:10     LEGO Нинджаго: Филмът, анимация, САЩ, 2017; реж. Чарли Бийн, Пол Фишър, Боб Лога (105 min)
This is from tv.dir.bg
10.35"Х-мен Началото: Върколак", екшън - фентъзи, САЩ, 2009; реж. Гавин Худ, с Хю Джакман, Лив Шрайбър, Дани Хюстън, Уил Ай Ем, Лин Колинс, [12+]

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #215 doglover

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Posted 18 October 2019 - 09:55



index_title.scrub {single(separator="-" include=first)|</i>||}


I have to think about something else.



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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #216 didozgemma

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 09:38

One week of tests. Everything is OK on BG epg - Vivacom,A1,Bulsatcom and some int. channels. Great work doglover, congratulations.



Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #217 jangregor

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Posted 26 October 2019 - 12:03

Looks like CT2.cz EPG info is incorrectly included in bunch of other channels as well. So far I have found these.

















Can you fix?

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #218 doglover

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Posted 26 October 2019 - 13:27

Are you sure about CTart.cz?


The others are all taken from parabole.cz.

And it looks something is going wrong in the grab from that website.

Problem being, I can immediately find what causes this.


So I grabbed the channels from somewhere else.


Grab is running and will  be uploaded asap

Edited by doglover, 26 October 2019 - 13:44.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #219 jangregor

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Posted 26 October 2019 - 13:32

Are you sure about CTart.cz?

Looks like:


  <programme start="20191029060000 +0200" stop="20191029060500 +0200" channel="CTart.cz">
    <title lang="cs">Raníček</title>
    <desc lang="cs">Krátký popis pořadu Raníček
Inspektor Fousek na stopě. (m.tv.sms.cz)</desc>

  <programme start="20191027060000 +0200" stop="20191027060500 +0200" channel="CT2.cz">
    <title lang="cs">Raníček</title>
    <desc lang="cs">Krátký popis pořadu Raníček
Inspektor Fousek na stopě.</desc>

Re: Lots of changes and missing EPG #220 jangregor

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Posted 26 October 2019 - 13:41


Are you sure about CTart.cz?

Looks like



Actually scratch that, it seems the station actually plays CT 2 (or sometimes CT D) during the day. So all good with CTart.cz EPG info.

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