←  [EN] Rytec XMLTV and EPG support



EPG for IPTV channels

doglover's Photo doglover 13 Apr 2020

Up to this moment I was looking at the assignment of the channels, and could not find anything incorrect there.


As a last resort, I imported this XMLTV file on my receiver, and indeed I got the wrong EPG.

And now I found the error.  It was on the website I grabbed from.

So I changed the grab to another website. 

This grab is running and will be uploaded asap.




pierce's Photo pierce 13 Apr 2020

Up to this moment I was looking at the assignment of the channels, and could not find anything incorrect there.


As a last resort, I imported this XMLTV file on my receiver, and indeed I got the wrong EPG.

And now I found the error.  It was on the website I grabbed from.

So I changed the grab to another website. 

This grab is running and will be uploaded asap.



Where's the THANKS button ?? Working Already.

Edited by pierce, 13 April 2020 - 13:47.

pierce's Photo pierce 15 Apr 2020

Is there a way to add an hour or 24 to a specific channel ID ?


doglover's Photo doglover 15 Apr 2020

Yes there is in WG++.  It is just adding one line which defines the offset.

For a 24 hr delay, I also need to specify to keep last day.




pierce's Photo pierce 22 Apr 2020

Can you give us a working example please?


doglover's Photo doglover 22 Apr 2020

From my Italian config:

<channels name="keepyesterday"> 
<timespan keeppastdays="1">6</timespan>
<channel update="i" site="comingsoon.it" site_id="premium-cinema" xmltv_id="PremiumCinema.it">Premium Cinema</channel>
<channel same_as="PremiumCinema.it" offset="24" xmltv_id="PremiumCinemaPlus24.it">Premium Cinema +24</channel>
<channel update="i" site="comingsoon.it" site_id="premium-crime" xmltv_id="PremiumCrime.it">Premium Crime</channel>
<channel same_as="PremiumCrime.it" offset="24" xmltv_id="PremiumCrimePlus24.it">Premium Crime +24</channel>
<channel update="i" site="comingsoon.it" site_id="sky-cinema-uno" xmltv_id="SkyCinemaUno.it">Sky Cinema Uno</channel>
<channel same_as="SkyCinemaUno.it" offset="24" xmltv_id="SkyCinemaUnoPlus24.it">Sky Cinema Uno +24</channel>
<channel same_as="SkyCinemaUno.it" offset="1" xmltv_id="SkyCinemaUnoPlus1.it">Sky Cinema Uno +1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="comingsoon.it" site_id="sky-cinema-due" xmltv_id="SkyCinemaDue.it">Sky Cinema Due</channel>
<channel same_as="SkyCinemaDue.it" offset="24" xmltv_id="SkyCinemaDue+24.it">Sky Cinema Due + 24</channel>



willow5's Photo willow5 7 May 2020

Hello, I made the changes to the userbouquet.favourites.tv file; as follows:


#SERVICE 5002:0:1:CB95:83C:2:11A0000:0:0:0:http%3a//xxxxxxx: CHANNEL 1
and the corresponding value from lamedb is:
s:cb95:011a0000:083c:0002:1:0:0,"CHANNEL 1",p:BSkyB,C:0


However, for some reason, the EPG is not being displayed on my IPTV.  Am I doing something wrong ?  I also went through a complete reboot both by init 4 and init 3 followed by a complete power cycle


UPDATE: EPG works ! There was no data in the epg file.  How do I force an epg update from the dish please for all channels, for some reason, only certain channels receive the full EPG and others don't ?

Edited by willow5, 7 May 2020 - 19:19.

doglover's Photo doglover 8 May 2020

In order to receive EPG from the dish, the channel has to broadcast EPG on the channel.

Secondly, your receiver has to be enabled for this.

To check this, Open the webif of your receiver in your browser, and go to Extra's - Settings - EPG settings.

Enable all settings.


Now tune the desired channel on your receiver, and wait 5 minutes.  If the channel is broadcasting EPG, the EPG will appear.

If after the 5 minutes no EPG is present, the channel is not broadcasting EPG.  The only way to have EPG is importing it.


Needless to say, this does not work for IPTV channels.


The above service ref is not in the rytec channels file and neither is there EPG in XMLTV files for a Channel 1 broadcasted on 28.2E.

So importing EPG for this service ref will not work.


h0ttz's Photo h0ttz 14 May 2020

Hi, I am having trouble to get EPG from those urls.


It looks like they are not been update anymore since March 22.


http://www.xmltvepg....tecREU_Basic.xz 2020-03-22 15:00:28

http://www.xmltvepg....tecNCL_Basic.xz   2020-03-22 14:57:30

http://www.xmltvepg....tecMTQ_Basic.xz   2020-03-22 14:57:29

http://www.xmltvepg...._SportMovies.xz   2020-03-22 14:56:28

http://www.xmltvepg....tecSEN_Basic.xz   2020-03-22 14:56:27


Also, those urls are asking for user/pass:



Thank you.

Edited by h0ttz, 14 May 2020 - 19:36.

doglover's Photo doglover 15 May 2020

Indeed. I stopped these in 2019.  The French overseas channels I mean

Nobody seemed to be interested in them.  And up to now nobody complained about it.

The REU file was the last to be disabled:  <!-- disabled 05/01/2020 -->


The http://epg.tododream...channels.xml.gz sources are from somebody external, which asked me to include them in the sources file.

If they now have them password protected, makes them unusable for EPGimport.



Edited by doglover, 15 May 2020 - 06:33.

mitcd's Photo mitcd 27 Jun 2020

Hi, i got this error...

can you help me?


[XMLTVImport] Selected source:  ['apollo XMLTV IPTV']
sourcesDone():  False None
[EPGImport] nextImport, source= apollo XMLTV IPTV
[EPGImport] Downloading: http://guide.tv4.live/utc.xml.gz to local path: /tmp/epgimport.gz
[EPGImport] No IPv6, using IPv4 directly: http://guide.tv4.live/utc.xml.gz
[EPGImport] download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO', 'sslv3 alert handshake failure')]
--- <exception caught here> ---
[EPGImport] imported 0 events
[XMLTVImport] Save last import date and count event
[XMLTVImport] Run check deep standby after import
[EPGImport] #### Finished ####

doglover's Photo doglover 28 Jun 2020

It is the first time I see this error.


<class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO', 'sslv3 alert handshake failure')]

You probably have a network issue.


Secondly:  In the source did you declare the nocheck="1" parameter for this source?


Pr2's Photo Pr2 28 Jun 2020

The http is probably redirected to Https which is not supported.

Amalthea5's Photo Amalthea5 20 Jul 2020

Hallo Willy ,


Can you please repair the EPG of <channel id="MLBNetwork.us">.

There has been no EPG for a long time.


The new season has started this month.


Homepage for Shedule:





with best regards



doglover's Photo doglover 21 Jul 2020

Fixed.  (Had to take another website, as the official page became too complicated with tokens)


Amalthea5's Photo Amalthea5 21 Jul 2020

Thanks a lot.

You are the King of EPG


Have a nice day  :D





lopi8's Photo lopi8 22 Jul 2020

Hi guys,did freshly install OpenPli 7.3 on my Vu+Duo 4k.When i did start EPGImport Filter i did select the FAV with IPTV CHannels ,but then i got always a green screen when i push the blue button.This happend all the time???Any ideas what i did wrong???Do use the HD skin,but the same with FHD skin


lopi8's Photo lopi8 22 Jul 2020

Did read a lot and i think the problem ist the missing "settings.conf"...,will try it a home later...,thx


lopi8's Photo lopi8 22 Jul 2020

I cant select any of my US IPTV Channels.....,all other satellite channels are selectable...,but not my IPTV....


brkonny's Photo brkonny 16 Aug 2020


I couldn't manage to get the SBB.RS provider working. I saw you've left some instructions, but even with that help, nothing worked. Can somebody explain me how can I grab channels from that provider? Thanks in advance.
