Edit 24-04-2018: While all the following is still correct, the application of this has become a lot easier with the use of e-channelizer: Version (BETA).
This program allows the import of a m3u file. It will generate service refs and if wanted the needed links for use with EPGimport.
Pls. direct questions about this to the author of e-channelizer.
EPG for IPTV channels can be downloaded by two different methods:
1st Method: EPG for IP-TV channels (with thanks to athoik)
IPTV channels can also have epg imported. However you have to make your own import settings as the service references can be anything you fancy. You will need an OpenPli image from after 20/12/2013
A working example:
In the bouquet file you have this as channel reference (here the Nostalgie radiostation in Belgium)
#SERVICE 4097:0:1:1000:1000:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stream10.fluoline.net%3a80/:Nostalgie #DESCRIPTION Nostalgie
You have to make a channels.xml file containing:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin-1"?> <channels> <channel id="PrivaSpice.ero">1:0:1:1000:1000:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel> <!-- Private Spice --> </channels>
The part http%3a//example.com is really needed, but can be the same for all channels.
Edit: the addition http%3a// is enough
Also the 4097 has to be replaced by a 1 : Not needed anymore
I called this file test.channels.xml and placed it in etc/epgimport
Now you have to reference this channels file in the sources.xml file. Place in etc/epgimport a file something.sources.xml which contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin-1"?> <sources> <source type="gen_xmltv" channels="test.channels.xml"> <description>test XMLTV</description> <url>http://url1/rytecxmltvero.gz</url> <url>http://url2/rytecxmltvero.gz</url> <url>http://url3/rytecxmltvero.gz</url> <url>http://url4/rytecxmltvero.gz</url> <url>http://url5/rytecxmltvero.gz</url> </source></sources>
You could edit the rytec.sources.xml by adding the above, but I do not recommend it as the file will be overwritten when you update your box. The advise is thus to make a separate something.sources.xml file. The XMLTV importer will read both this file and the rytec.sources.xml file.
PS: with something I mean really any name you can dream up.
2nd method: Using the service refs of the satellite channels.
This method only works with channels included in the lamedb. It is imparative that you have a current up-to-date lamedb in the /etc/enigma2/ folder on your receiver.
To use this, you channels in the bouquet file should be have the following syntax in the bouquet file:
#SERVICE 1:0:1:d4f:2:46:e080000:0:0:0:"URL HERE".ts:TV3 HD (SE) #DESCRIPTION TV3 HD ( SE )
These are generated by a lot of the providers of the IPTV channels (legal or otherwise)
As said this only works if you have an up-to-date lamedb file.
In order to get an up-to-date lamedb you rescan the satellite in question. You do not have to do anything else with the results
However if you do not have access to the satellite, this is a bit more problematic.
You have to obtain a correct lamedb from some source (a good settinglist will mostly do)
Edit: another method to obtain a lamedb for sats which you do not have acces to is described some post below.
The lamedb has to be copied to your receiver when enigma is stopped. To do this, got to a telnet window (DCC will do)
init 4 (to stop enigma)
Copy the lamedb file from the settinglist to the /etc/enigma2/ folder of your receiver.
init 3 (to restart enigma)
If you do not have sat channels, you are done.
However if you have sat channels, all your sat channels will be gone now. In order to fix this, rescan all the sats you have access to.
EPG can now be imported by using the provided Rytec packages (or alternative packages for sat)
PS: All questions of EPG for IPTV channels on the forum will be directed to this thread
Edited by doglover, 13 September 2021 - 07:38.