Made a mistake:
The log from the grab:
[Error ] error in channel list of the config file!! [Error ] duplicate xmltv_id value -- -- !! [Error ] in : [Error ] <channel update="i" site="" site_id="2353" xmltv_id="">ES1</channel> [Error ] <channel update="i" site="" site_id="dummy" xmltv_id="">ES1</channel> [Error ] duplicate xmltv-id entries will mess-up the xmltv output! [Error ] ---- correct the channel-list to have unique xmltv-id values --- [Critical] For detailed info, see log file /home/willy/EPG/WG8/WebGrab++.log.txt [Critical] Execution stopped
So nothing was updated the last couple of days. Sorry.
A corrected grab is running now and will be uploaded asap
As for:
Mycuisine 5°W 1:0:1:70C:2904:55F:DDE0000:0:0:0
and Discovery Channel France 1:0:19:518:5208:55F:DDE0000:0:0:0
both these service refs were not in the channels file. Added them.
pls. try importing agian this afternoon, and restart enigma2 first as to force a new channels file download.