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Language assistance requested...

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#1 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 04:45



I am currently rewriting the NumericalTextInput.py and VirtualKeyBoard.py Python code to improve functionality and presentation.


I am based in Australia and only know English.  I do not require any coding assistance as the new code is mostly already written.  I would like some assistant to improve the languages processed by these two Enigma2 modules.


For starters I would like to know what languages should be supported?  I would then like the assistance of any volunteers to add / correct the data tables for those languages.


The following languages are defined and have varying levels of support / accuracy:

  • Arabic - United Arab Emirates : ar_AE
  • Czech - Czechia : cs_CZ
  • English - Australian : en_AU
  • English - Various : en_EN
  • Finnish - Finland : fi_FI
  • French - France : fr_FR
  • German - Germany : de_DE
  • Greek (Modern) - Greece : el_GR
  • Latvian - Latvia : lv_LV
  • Persian - Iran, Islamic Republic : fa_IR
  • Polish - Poland : pl_PL
  • Russian - Russian Federation : ru_RU
  • Slovak - Slovakia : sk_SK
  • Spanish - Spain : es_ES
  • Swedish - Sweden : sv_SE
  • Thai - Thailand : th_TH
  • Ukrainian - Ukraine : uk_UA
Are all these languages wanted, are any languages missing?
The assistance I require is to provide the unicode numbers (https://en.wikipedia...code_characters) that describe every character of the language and instructions on where these characters should appear on a keyboard of that language.  I also want to know how all those characters should be represented on the SMS style (NumericalTextInput.py) layout.
I have attached some examples of the new English (Australian) and German (Germany) keyboards to give you an idea of what has changed.
These are the data tables that created those screens:
self.english = [
		[u"`", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u"-", u"=", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"q", u"w", u"e", u"r", u"t", u"y", u"u", u"i", u"o", u"p", u"[", u"]", u"\\"],
		[u"LAST", u"a", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u";", u"'", u"BLANK", u"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"z", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u"m", u",", u".", u"/", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"~", u"!", u"@", u"#", u"$", u"%", u"^", u"&", u"*", u"(", u")", u"_", u"+", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"Q", u"W", u"E", u"R", u"T", u"Y", u"U", u"I", u"O", u"P", u"{", u"}", u"|"],
		[u"LAST", u"A", u"S", u"D", u"F", u"G", u"H", u"J", u"K", u"L", u":", u"\"", u"BLANK", u"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"Z", u"X", u"C", u"V", u"B", u"N", u"M", u"<", u">", u"?", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]

self.german = [
		[u"^", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u"\u00DF", u"'", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"q", u"w", u"e", u"r", u"t", u"z", u"u", u"i", u"o", u"p", u"\u00FC", u"+", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"a", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u"\u00F6", u"\u00E4", u"#", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"<", u"y", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u"m", u",", ".", u"-", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"\u00BA", u"!", u"\"", u"\u00A7", u"$", u"%", u"&", u"/", u"(", u")", u"=", u"?", u"`", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"Q", u"W", u"E", u"R", u"T", u"Z", u"U", u"I", u"O", u"P", u"\u00DC", u"*", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"A", u"S", u"D", u"F", u"G", u"H", u"J", u"K", u"L", u"\u00D6", u"\u00C4", u"'", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u">", u"Y", u"X", u"C", u"V", u"B", u"N", u"M", u";", u":", u"_", u"BLANK", U"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"\u00B2", u"\u00B3", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"{", u"[", u"]", u"}", u"\\", u"BLANK", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"@", u"BLANK", u"\u20AC", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"~", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"|", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"\u00B5", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]

If anyone wishes to contribute or has any questions about this project please post your comments here.

Attached Files

Re: Language assistance requested... #2 ims

  • PLi® Core member
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Posted 10 June 2018 - 08:09

Some time ago I spoke about adding columns to VK ... but as this leads to change plugin's screens, I added 3rd layout instead ...

Kdo nic nedělá, nic nezkazí!

Re: Language assistance requested... #3 IanSav

  • PLi® Contributor
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Posted 10 June 2018 - 08:40

Hi Ims,


I appreciate that a skin change will be required for the new format.  I feel that the ability to display on-screen keyboards that look like their physical counterparts is an important gain.  There are MANY changes under the covers that will also make this change worth while.


Here is my current documentation explaining most of the changes:

# The revised virtual keyboard is dynamically created based on the data
# defined in the "self.locales" data in the "__init__" method of the
# "VirtualKeyBoard" class.  To make creating new locales based on common
# languages easier a number of base language definitions are provided.
# (Currently English, French, German, and Spanish.)  The locales are based
# on the list at https://lh.2xlibre.net/locales/.
# The maximum width of the keyboard has been set at 14 buttons.  This
# limitation is set by the skin alloaction of space for the keyboard and then
# confirmed in this code in the "virtualKeyBoardEntryComponent"method.  If
# the "keyList" data describes a keyboard less than 14 characters then that
# keyboard will be centred in the 14 wide keyboard space.
# Each element of the "keyList" data is a button displayed on the virtual
# keyboard.  Certain button names are mapped to images that will be used
# for that button.  The current image button definitions are listed in
# the "self.keyImages" dictionary on the "__init__" method of the
# "VirtualKeyBoard" class. To make future updates easier all non English
# characters are represented by their unicode numeric code
# (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters).
# This revision also allows the four colour buttons to be assigned to any
# keyboard key by nominating the key text in the "self.keyBackgrounds"
# dictionary in the "__init__" method of the "VirtualKeyBoard" class.
# This change will allow for colour button text to be localised rather than
# depending on a graphical button to achieve the coloured border.  Note that
# the ENTER and SHIFT button graphics include the default GREEN and BLUE
# borders, respectively, as a default.
# This revision also adds the ability to define the foreground colours of the
# characters on the virtual keyboard.  The colour selections for the unshifted
# and three predefined shift levels are defined as white, white, cyan and
# magenta respectively.  These colours match the SHIFT default SHIFT button
# images.  These colours can be overridden by a skin author via the
# "VirtualKeyBoardShiftColors" skin parameter.  (The number of shift levels
# can easily be increased if required.)
# This revision also improves font size options.  The previous
# "VirtualKeyBoard" skin font parameter is retained but a new scaling option
# has been added to the code such that short text messages can be assigned to
# keyboard buttons.  For example, on the Beyonwiz en_AU implementation spare
# keys have been assigned to text like ".com", ".org" etc to make Internet
# address entry easier.  To ensure that longer key text can fit in the screen
# space and text listed in the "self.keySmaller" list in the "__init__"
# method of the "VirtualKeyBoard" class will be drawn at 56% of the
# "VirtualKeyBoard" skin font parameter assigned font size.
# This revision also adds HELP button text to assist users with using the
# Virtual KeyBoard interface.
# If the VirtualKeyBoard interface is to be reskinned then the following
# "name=" screen widgets should be defined:
# 	prompt   - This widget displays the prompt text for the entry.
# 	text     - This widget displays the current text buffer.
# 	list     - This widget displays the keyboard grid.
# 	locale   - This widget displays the currently selected keyboard
# 		   language.
# 	language - This widget displays the current language.
# Also the standard colour buttons "source=" screen widgets can be defined:
# 	key_red    - This widget displays the RED button exit text prompt.
# 	key_green  - This widget displays the GREEN button save text prompt.
# 	key_yellow - This widget displays the YELLOW button locale text
# 		     prompt.
# 	key_blue   - This widget displays the BLUE button shift text prompt.
# 	key_menu   - This widget triggers the MENU button.
# 	key_info   - This widget triggers the INFO button.
# 	key_help   - This widget triggers the HELP button.
# For example:
# 	<fonts>
# 		<font name="Regular" filename="fonts/nmsbd.ttf" scale="100" />
# 		<alias name="VirtualKeyBoard" font="Regular" size="28" height="45" width="20" />
# 	</fonts>
# 	<parameters>
# 		<parameter name="VirtualKeyBoard" value="45,45" />
# 		<parameter name="VirtualKeyBoardShiftColors" value="0x00ffffff,0x00ffffff,0x0000ffff,0x00ff00ff" />
# 	</parameters>
# 	<screen name="VirtualKeyBoard" position="center,center" size="650,375" zPosition="99">
# 		<widget name="header" position="10,10" size="630,25" font="Regular;20" transparent="1" noWrap="1" conditional="header"/>
# 		<widget name="prompt" position="10,10" size="630,25" font="Regular;20" transparent="1" noWrap="1" conditional="prompt"/>
# 		<ePixmap pixmap="vkey_text.png" position="10,35" zPosition="-4" size="630,50" alphatest="on"/>
# 		<widget name="text" position="12,37" size="626,46" font="Regular;40" transparent="1" noWrap="1" halign="right"/>
# 		<widget name="list" position="10,100" size="630,225" selectionDisabled="1" foregroundColor="window-fg" backgroundColor="#001c2c5c" transparent="1"/>
# 		<widget name="locale" position="10,350" size="420,25" font="Regular;20" foregroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" conditional="locale"/>
# 		<widget name="language" position="440,350" size="200,25" font="Regular;20" foregroundColor="#a08500" halign="right" transparent="1" conditional="language"/>
# 	</screen>



Re: Language assistance requested... #4 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 08:44



I have a little more code to complete and then I can make the code available for testing and review.  I welcome people who are interested in testing the changes out and possibly suggesting any corrections and/or improvements.




Re: Language assistance requested... #5 littlesat

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 08:51

Please avoid to much changes here as it performs well and does not add any real added value for something you rarely use... we better could put our energy on stuff that really adds value... the third lay-out is for extra characters is just fine... it is a pain to make thinks right that were not done properly by design. Before you know it takes you hours and hours and that later they blame you for what you break (skins, plug-ins...) so when you need or miss something do it smartly... especially adapting skins is something you should avoid...

Edited by littlesat, 10 June 2018 - 08:52.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Language assistance requested... #6 ims

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 09:03

Note - some real keyboards using 1-2 "dead" keys, Alt and Graph-Alt => 14columns solving nothing in this case and must be solved with next layouts still...

Kdo nic nedělá, nic nezkazí!

Re: Language assistance requested... #7 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 09:42



Interesting, criticism of code that no-one has seen but no help with getting the character maps correct.  The original code was a mess.  I am simply continuing my path through Enigma2 cleaning up and optimising code to make future development and maintenance easier.


As we have discussed in the past, if NOTHING in Enigma can be changed because something might break or need change then why are we wasting our time trying to fix and improve things?


I still would like help to make the language definitions better.




Re: Language assistance requested... #8 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 10:00

Hi Ims,


Note - some real keyboards using 1-2 "dead" keys, Alt and Graph-Alt => 14columns solving nothing in this case and must be solved with next layouts still...


I thought about coding for the "dead" key processing but with the larger grid area and the ability to have as many "shift" levels as required (4 are already coded) I didn't think it was worth the effort.  If desirable this can be revisited at a later time.


I welcome your thoughts on how best to display the composite glyphs for those languages that need them.




Re: Language assistance requested... #9 Persian Prince

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 12:59

Persian (fa_IR) is missing: https://github.com/O...eyBoard.py#L216


Open Vision sources: https://github.com/OpenVisionE2

Re: Language assistance requested... #10 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 13:13

Hi Persian Prince,


Persian (fa_IR) is missing: https://github.com/O...eyBoard.py#L216



No it isn't!  ;)  It is in the list I posted above.  :)  I have all the characters as per the GitHub link you posted.  If there are any additions or changes you would like made, particularly with the expanded layout available, then any help to improve the existing definitions (for both the Virtual and SMS layouts) would be welcomed.




Re: Language assistance requested... #11 Persian Prince

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 13:20

Oops I need to rest sometimes :D

That was my last update and I think it's good for now :)

BTW I really hope to see you with "PLi core member" status in the future as you're a skilled developer.

Open Vision sources: https://github.com/OpenVisionE2

Re: Language assistance requested... #12 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 13:21



I should mention that part of my aim in these changes is to make the on-screen keyboard better match the physical keyboard to which most users will be familiar.  I am hoping that if the layouts better match real keyboards then users will be able to use the on-screen keyboard more easily as they will be familiar with all the button locations.  At the moment it is often a case of hunt and peck the use the current on-screen keyboard.




Re: Language assistance requested... #13 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 13:26

Hi Persian Prince,

Oops I need to rest sometimes :D

That was my last update and I think it's good for now :)

Do you have a photograph or image of a typical Persian keyboard? I may be able to improve the layout to better match the physical keyboard. Compare the current English or German on-screen keyboards and the images I posted above to see what I am trying to achieve.

BTW I really hope to see you with "PLi core member" status in the future as you're a skilled developer.

Thank you for your support. :D


Re: Language assistance requested... #14 Pr2

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 13:53

If your idea is to match the physical keyboard people are used to, then you should split the keyboard layout between the Windows and Apple world since for the same language definition keyboard layouts are different.
i can help you for French_Belgian keyboard layout which is different from the French_France one.
Here is a sample for the Apple_Mac_BE keyboard layout:
In the following order:


self.Mac_be = [
		[u"@", u"&", u"é", u"\"", u"\'", u"(", u"§", u"è", u"!", u"ç", u"à", u")", u"-", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"a", u"z", u"e", u"r", u"t", u"z", u"u", u"i", u"o", u"p", u"^", u"$", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"q", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u"m", u"ù", u"\`", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"<", u"w", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u",", u";", ":", u"=", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"#", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u"°", u"_", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"A", u"Z", u"E", u"R", u"T", u"Y", u"U", u"I", u"O", u"P", u"¨", u"*", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"Q", u"S", u"D", u"F", u"G", u"H", u"J", u"K", u"L", u"M", u"%", u"£", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u">", u"W", u"X", u"C", u"V", u"B", u"N", u"?", u".", u"/", u"+", u"BLANK", U"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"0", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u")", u"=", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"a", u"z", u"e", u"r", u"t", u"z", u"u", u"i", u"o", u"p", u"^", u"$", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"q", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u"m", u"\"", u"\`", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"\`", u"w", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u",", u";", ".", u"/", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"•", u"", u"ë", u"\“", u"\‘", u"{", u"¶", u"«", u"¡", u"Ç", u"ø", u"}", u"—", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"æ", u"Â", u"ê", u"®", u"†", u"Ú", u"º", u"î", u"œ", u"π", u"ô", u"€", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"‡", u"Ò", u"∂", u"ƒ", u"", u"Ì", u"Ï", u"È", u"¬", u"µ", u"Ù", u"@", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"≤", u"‹", u"≈", u"©", u"◊", u"ß", u"~", u"∞", u"…", "÷", u"≠", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"Ÿ", u"´", u"„", u"”", u"’", u"[", u"å", u"»", u"Û", u"Á", u"Ø", u"]", u"–", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"Æ", u"Å", u"Ê", u"‚", u"™", u"Ÿ", u"ª", u"ï", u"Œ", u"∏", u"Ô", u"¥", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"Ω", u"∑", u"∆", u"·", u"", u"Î", u"Í", u"Ë", u"|", u"Ó", u"‰", u"#", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"≥", u"›", u"⁄", u"¢", u"√", u"∫", u"ı", u"¿", u"•", u"\", "±", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"0", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u"}", u"=", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"æ", u"Â", u"ê", u"®", u"†", u"Ú", u"º", u"î", u"œ", u"π", u"ô", u"€", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"‡", u"Ò", u"∂", u"ƒ", u"", u"Ì", u"Ï", u"È", u"¬", u"µ", u"\"", u"@", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"\`", u"‹", u"≈", u"©", u"◊", u"ß", u"~", u",", u";", ".", u"/", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]


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Re: Language assistance requested... #15 IanSav

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 14:48

Hi Pr2,


Is there a way you could combine the Apple and PC keyboard layouts?  I am a Windows person and my current efforts have been based on Windows layouts.  That said, I would be happy to accept all contributions.


I assume that the table you provided is for fr_BE (French - Belgium).  How does this relate to fr_FR?  In my code I can base one locale on another and then make small changes without having to duplicate the whole table.


May I please have another request.  Could you please reproduce that exact table but rather than using the glyphs directly can you replace each glyph with its unicode code number in the form of "\u0000" when 0000 is the unicode code number from https://en.wikipedia...code_characters.


Here is what I have for French (fr_FR):

self.french = [
		[u"EXIT", u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5", u"6", u"7", u"8", u"9", u"0", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"a", u"z", u"e", u"r", u"t", u"y", u"u", u"i", u"o", u"p", u"é", u"è"],
		[u"q", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u"m", u"ê", u"ë"],
		[u"<", u"w", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u",", u";", u":", u"=", u"ALL"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"SPACE", u"ù", u"â", u"ï", u"ô", u"ç", u"#", u"-", u"OK", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT"]
	], [
		[u"EXIT", u"&", u"@", u"\"", u"€", u"§", u"!", u"ç", u"(", u")", u"_", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"A", u"Z", u"E", u"R", u"T", u"Y", u"U", u"I", u"O", u"P", u"É", u"È"],
		[u"Q", u"S", u"D", u"F", u"G", u"H", u"J", u"K", u"L", u"M", u"Ê", u"Ë"],
		[u">", u"W", u"X", u"C", u"V", u"B", u"N", u"?", u".", u"+", u"~", u"CLR"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"SPACE", u"Ù", u"Â", u"Ã", u"Ô", u"°", u"/", u"\\", u"OK", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT"]

If this table is incorrect I would also welcome corrections here as well.  (I would also love someone to turn these glyphs into the appropriate unicode values.  ;))


Also, can I please confirm that you want 5 levels of shift?  If so, I will need to add a few more shift keycaps and shift colours to my library.  (Not an issue but I just want to be sure.)




Edited by IanSav, 10 June 2018 - 14:50.

Re: Language assistance requested... #16 Pr2

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 14:48

Now the PC version: fr_BE

In the following order:
self.PC_fr_be = [
		[u"²", u"&", u"é", u"\"", u"\'", u"(", u"§", u"è", u"!", u"ç", u"à", u")", u"-", u"BACKSPACE"],
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		[u"LAST", u"q", u"s", u"d", u"f", u"g", u"h", u"j", u"k", u"l", u"m", u"ù", u"µ", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"<", u"w", u"x", u"c", u"v", u"b", u"n", u",", u";", ":", u"=", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
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		[u"FIRST", u"A", u"Z", u"E", u"R", u"T", u"Y", u"U", u"I", u"O", u"P", u"\"", u"*", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"Q", u"S", u"D", u"F", u"G", u"H", u"J", u"K", u"L", u"M", u"%", u"£", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u">", u"W", u"X", u"C", u"V", u"B", u"N", u"?", u".", u"/", u"+", u"BLANK", U"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"¬", u"|", u"@", u"#", u"¼", u"½", u"^", u"{", u"[", u"{", u"}", u"\", u"¸", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"@", u"ł", u"€", u"¶", u"ŧ", u"←", u"↓", u"→", u"œ", u"þ", u"[", u"]", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"æ", u"ß", u"ð", u"đ", u"ŋ", u"ħ", u"BLANK", u"ĸ", u"ł", u"\'", u"\'", u"\`", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"\\", u"«", u"»", u"¢", u"“", u"”", u"n", u"¸", u"BLANK", "·", u"~", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]
	], [
		[u"¬", u"¡", u"⅛", u"£", u"$", u"⅜", u"⅝", u"⅞", u"™", u"±", u"°", u"¿", u"˛", u"BACKSPACE"],
		[u"FIRST", u"Ω", u"Ł", u"¢", u"®", u"Ŧ", u"¥", u"↑", u"ı", u"Œ", u"Þ", u"°", u"¯", u"BLANK"],
		[u"LAST", u"Æ", u"§", u"Ð", u"ª", u"Ŋ", u"Ħ", u"̛ ", u"&", u"Ł", u"˝", u"ˇ", u"˘", U"ENTER"],
		[u"SHIFT", u"\", u"<", u">", u"©", u"‘", u"’", u"N", u"º", u"×", "÷", u"˙", u"BLANK", u"SHIFT"],
		[u"EXIT", u"LEFT", u"RIGHT", u"ALL", u"CLR", u"BLANK", u"SPACE"]

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Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Language assistance requested... #17 IanSav

  • PLi® Contributor
  • 1,491 posts


Posted 10 June 2018 - 14:52

Hi Pr2,


Thank you!  Would you mind if I stick with the PC version?




Re: Language assistance requested... #18 Pr2

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 14:54


Now you can use the PC version. :-)


Attached Files

NO SUPPORT by PM, it is a forum make your question public so everybody can benefit from the question/answer.
If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Language assistance requested... #19 Pr2

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 14:58


Here is the layout of a french keyboard and as you can see there are differences with the belgian one.


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NO SUPPORT by PM, it is a forum make your question public so everybody can benefit from the question/answer.
If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: Language assistance requested... #20 IanSav

  • PLi® Contributor
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Posted 10 June 2018 - 15:02

Hi Persian Prince,

Oops I need to rest sometimes :D

That was my last update and I think it's good for now :)

There is a problem with the fa_IR data.  There are 18 glyphs that are missing from the Enigma2 fonts.  Is this a data error in the table or a font problem?


I have attached what my receiver makes of the current data.





Attached Files

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