#!/bin/sh # toggle_mode.sh by mrvica MODE=`cat /proc/stb/video/videomode` echo active mode $MODE echo 720p > /proc/stb/video/videomode cat /proc/stb/video/videomode sleep 1 echo $MODE> /proc/stb/video/videomode cat /proc/stb/video/videomodeyou my try this script, hopefully you get your OSD restored, it switches for a moment to 720p and back to your active mode, instead of 720p you my try another mode, you get them listed with
cat /proc/stb/video/videomode_choices
SOrry, it is not working. My Display always sahs it it 720p@60 like stated above. When I do my resolutin in a/v settings "trick", your script is starting to work and switches every resolution correctly. But not initial