It looks complicated... but something like this... (untested trimmer)...
if ":".join(refstr.strip(":")[:2] + refstr.strip(":")[3:]) not in [":".join(x[:2] + x[3:]) for x in [x.split() for x in BouquetChannelListList]]:
And it also has a another bug as the ref in BouquetChannelList could have more content..
Means this might be even better (please check if 11 here does not need to be changed to 10)....
if ":".join(refstr.strip(":")[:2] + refstr.strip(":")[3:]) not in [":".join(x[:2] + x[3:11]) for x in [x.split() for x in BouquetChannelListList]]:
Edited by littlesat, 19 June 2019 - 14:42.