I have to login there... but as far I could read it, it sounds like kind of homebrew multiboot...
When it is compatible with the real multiboot we already have for other boxes it should be a piece of a cake... Then we 'just' need to enable the feature in SystemInfo.py somehow as soon the flash in such VU is divided...
SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] = fileHas("/proc/cmdline", "rootsubdir=")
SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"] = SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and (1, 4, "mmcblk0", False) or
fileHas("/proc/cmdline", "_4.boxmode=") and (1, 4, "mmcblk0", False) or
HardwareInfo().get_device_model() in ('gbue4k', 'gbquad4k') and (3, 3, "mmcblk0", True) or
HardwareInfo().get_device_model() in ('e4hd') and (1, 4, "mmcblk0", False) or
HardwareInfo().get_device_model() in ('osmio4k') and (1, 4, "mmcblk1", True)
Edited by littlesat, 26 August 2019 - 14:37.