Redirected from GitHub issue, 2695
So far I only noticed this issue on 0.8W 11843V 30000, with HBO HD. When the channel broadcasts > 16:9 content, sometimes it appears as 'stretch nonlinear' even if my setting is 'letterbox' I have to switch to another setting, then back to 'letterbox to fix it. This issue appears again after a reboot. Video of the issue: IMG_0521.mp4 6.66MB 2 downloads (you can see that it's normal on SD, also it's normal if i watch using OpenWebif m3u8 (although the video was taken on ATV, it happens on Pli too, I hope it's okay that I used it to record the issue...)
Today it also happened with 16:9 content: stretched.JPEG 87.21KB 5 downloads
From webif: (it looks normal: webif.jpg 76.32KB 5 downloads
Box: Vu+ Solo 4K, tested with ATV 6.4, Pli 7.2 and 7.3
About the Dolby issue that i mentioned in the Github issue: It happens always on Zero 4K, with Dolby Downmix turned off, after watching a channel with Dolby sound, there won't be any sound if i switch back to a normal mpeg channel (only on another Dolby channel) I have to restart enigma2 to fix it. Also adjusting volume on Dolby channels is not functioning right (sound level adjustment of the box is not working, it's either very loud or sound level is zero.)