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Vu+ NIM(45208 FBC)

Vu+ 45208 FBC

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#1 420f00f3

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Posted 14 October 2022 - 13:22

This is all new to me, so please be patient with me.
I have a question with regards to my DVB-S/S2 tuner DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2).
On my DVB-C tuners A to H I can watch/record/stream from 8 multiplexes at the same time, as it has 8 tuners
and my cable TV has cca. 16 multiplexes that are transmitted in clear QAM and I know I can only
watch/record/stream from maximum of 8 multiplexes at the same time.
But on my DVB-S/S2 tuners I to P I can only ever watch/record/stream from one transponder (on 1 sat position 13E, 19E or 23.5E).
Now I am trying to establish if this is limitation of my setup or something that has not been correctly configured on the Vu+/Enigma2.
My Vu+ setup is:
- Tuners A - H | DVB-C NIM(BCM3148) (DVB-C) - locale Cable TV provider
- Tuners I - P | DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) - LBN1 in - DiSEqC switch ports 1 - 19E, 2 - 23.5E, 3 - 13E, 4 - unused
- Tuners Q - R | DVB-T NIM(TT3L10) (multityp DVB-C/T2) - unused
My box is running lates version of OpenPLI (opkg update && opkg upgrade)
System OE: PLi-OE
Firmware version: OpenPLi 8.3-release (2022-09-06-release-8.3)
Kernel / Drivers: 3.14.28 / 20190424
and watching TV programs from all 3 sat (13E, 19E or 23.5E) positions works as it should.
DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) is FBC as I understand it can at the same time tune to
8 transponders if only one LNB cable is connected or 16 transponders if 2 LNB cables are connected to this tuner
from the same DiSEqC switch port/satellite position?
Reading this article is not really helping me to understand it :(
I would be great full if anyone can explain/point to right direction further 
how it works with the satellite/transponders and the DVB-S/S2 FBC tuner from Vu+.

Re: Vu+ NIM(45208 FBC) #2 mimisiku

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Posted 14 October 2022 - 13:28

Satellite reception can only tune to 1 transponder. FBC for cable can use the full bandwidth, sat only the quadrant it's tuned to. If you insist on DVB-S2 FBC you will need to install Quadro LNB's (VL,VH,HL,HH) or change to UniCable  LNB. There's nothing wrong with your current setup.

Met één been in het graf..... Helaas

Re: Vu+ NIM(45208 FBC) #3 420f00f3

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Posted 16 October 2022 - 18:41

Thanx for your reply, can you please clarify below?


Sat only the quadrant tuned to?
What happened to transponders? Is transponder (in DVB-S/S2) not similar to multiplex (DVB-T/T2 C/C2)?
I thought that like in DVB-T/T2 - C/C2 the amount of tuners = multiplexes that can be tuned at one time. This is getting more complicated :(

So both changes require change of LNB's for all the positions (13E, 19E or 23.5E), right? ....... as I can only get I coax cable to the tuner/Vu+ box a the moment.

I see so what I have it's just single LNB with only one output for each sat position, but there are
- Quad LNBs which had four connections,
- Octo LNBs with eight connections.
- Quattro LNB that are used with Multiswitches where 4 cables are needed for VL,VH,HL,HH for each satellite position so in my case 12 cables (for 13E, 19E or 23.5E) going into a Multiswitch

and then one to the tuner/Vu+ ??

- Unicable LNB

Unicable 1 LNBs usually come with 4 SCR although they are technically capable of more ??

Unicable 2 (JESS) LNBs usually come in 24 or 32 SCR. 

I'm still confused :(





Vu+ Duo4K SE with 45308X FBC and BCM3466 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)
Vu+ Ultimo4K with BCM3148, 45208 FBC and TT3L10 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)

Re: Vu+ NIM(45208 FBC) #4 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 16 October 2022 - 23:25

If you are using universal LNBs, you will not get the full benefit of FBC tuners.


You have several options which you have already listed. Make sure you use a Jess/Unicable compatible multi-switch. There are some switches which allow wideband LNBs. They would need two cables instead of 4.


Another option is to use a unicable LNB for the main satellite. You can configure several tuners/demodulators for that satellite. The other two satellites can stay on a diseqc switch and will still be limited.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Vu+, 45208, FBC

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