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[WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

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Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #261 DimitarCC

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 21:27

Well if it is not there then something is wrong with the setting in the feed...Maybe i didnt put all settings correct. Can you check that?

Vu+DUO4KSE, DM920UHD, Vu+Uno4KSE, SF8008Mini, 2xPulse4K, Vu+Solo2, Dreambox DM500HD, Triax 78 (7E,9E,13E,19.2E,23.5E) & 2xTriax 78 (39E)

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #262 Tech

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 21:55

Attached File  Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-16 om 21.53.50.png   237.12KB   1 downloads

Should be in the feeds.....my build environment is equal to the build environment of our buildservers and the skin is available in my feeds so it should be avaliable in de nightly builds feeds too....


I checked the buildserver and it's also available

[someone@buildserver1] $ ls -l | grep skins-e2dark 
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone someone 2814576 Nov 16 20:57 enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos_1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.0_all.ipk 
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone someone 696 Nov 16 20:57 enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dbg_1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.0_all.ipk 
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone someone 744 Nov 16 20:57 enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dev_1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.0_all.ipk 
-rw-r--r-- 1 someone someone 6952 Nov 16 20:57 enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-src_1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.0_all.ipk 

Aan de rand van de afgrond is een stap voorwaarts niet altijd vooruitgang....

On the edge of the abyss, a step forward is not always progress....

Hardware: 2x Daily used Vu+ Ultimo 4K - Vu+ Duo 4K SE and a lot more.... - VisioSat BiBigsat - Jultec Unicable Multiswitch 4 positions: 19.2/23.5/28.2 East - Diseqc motorized flatdish antenna

Software : HomeBuild OpenPLi Develop and Scarthgap builds, local cards driven by OsCam

Press the Posted Image button on the buttom right of this message ;)

Have you tried our wiki yet? Many answers can be found in our OpenPLi wiki

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #263 DimitarCC

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 21:56

OK. Then @littlesat please check again. Thanks.

Vu+DUO4KSE, DM920UHD, Vu+Uno4KSE, SF8008Mini, 2xPulse4K, Vu+Solo2, Dreambox DM500HD, Triax 78 (7E,9E,13E,19.2E,23.5E) & 2xTriax 78 (39E)

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #264 catastrofus

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 09:11

I've installed this skin from the feed.

2 x vu+ultimo4k ((nb & 9.0r) dvb-c fbc + 1 dvb-s2) + een vu+duo4k ((nb) fallbackclient) met een Synology ds214+ (2 x 6 TB) op DSM 7.1.1 in ziggo oost (voormalig @Home) + A1/A2/A3/HB (TechniSat)

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #265 littlesat

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 10:31

I did check again and I can really not find it on my Ultimo4K...


root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg list | grep darkos

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #266 littlesat

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 10:32

root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg list | grep skin
enigma2-plugin-skins-basic-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: basic-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-brushedalu-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: brushedalu-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dmconcinnity-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dmconcinnity-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dmm-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dmm-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dreammm-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dreammm-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dreamtv-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dreamtv-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dtv-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dtv-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-dtv-hd-reloaded - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: dtv-hd-reloaded
enigma2-plugin-skins-elgato-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: elgato-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd - 6.0.5+git560+580813d-r0.6 - enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd version 6.0.5+gitAUTOINC+580813d47a-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd-dbg - 6.0.5+git560+580813d-r0.6 - enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd version 6.0.5+gitAUTOINC+580813d47a-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd-dev - 6.0.5+git560+580813d-r0.6 - enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd version 6.0.5+gitAUTOINC+580813d47a-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd-src - 6.0.5+git560+580813d-r0.6 - enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd version 6.0.5+gitAUTOINC+580813d47a-r0 - Source files
enigma2-plugin-skins-kerni-hd1 - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: kerni-hd1
enigma2-plugin-skins-kerni-hd1r2 - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: kerni-hd1r2
enigma2-plugin-skins-magic - 1.2+git331+8b5fb84-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-magic version 1.2+gitAUTOINC+8b5fb84750-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.blackbox - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.blackbox
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.blueline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.blueline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.blueline.extended - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.blueline.extended
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.blueline.single - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.blueline.single
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.chromeline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.chromeline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.chromeline.cobolt - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.chromeline.cobolt
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.flatline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.flatline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.flatline.blue - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.flatline.blue
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.glassline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.glassline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greenline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greenline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greenline.extended - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greenline.extended
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greenline.single - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greenline.single
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greyline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greyline
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greyline.extended - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greyline.extended
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.greyline.single - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.greyline.single
enigma2-plugin-skins-nemesis.shadowline - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: nemesis.shadowline
enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night - 2.6.1+git535+f8eb6a3-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night version 2.6.1+gitAUTOINC+f8eb6a30cb-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night-dbg - 2.6.1+git535+f8eb6a3-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night version 2.6.1+gitAUTOINC+f8eb6a30cb-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night-dev - 2.6.1+git535+f8eb6a3-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night version 2.6.1+gitAUTOINC+f8eb6a30cb-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night-src - 2.6.1+git535+f8eb6a3-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pd1loi-hd-night version 2.6.1+gitAUTOINC+f8eb6a30cb-r0 - Source files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd - 0.1+git2255+7287e4e-r0.0 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+7287e4e336-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-dbg - 0.1+git2255+7287e4e-r0.0 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+7287e4e336-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-dev - 0.1+git2255+7287e4e-r0.0 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+7287e4e336-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight - 0.1+git109+99adc65-r0.3 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+99adc658e4-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight-dbg - 0.1+git109+99adc65-r0.3 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+99adc658e4-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight-dev - 0.1+git109+99adc65-r0.3 - enigma2-plugin-skins-pli-hd-fullnight version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+99adc658e4-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-simple - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: simple
enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray - git275-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray version gitAUTOINC+d437c9e29c-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray-dbg - git275-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray version gitAUTOINC+d437c9e29c-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray-dev - git275-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray version gitAUTOINC+d437c9e29c-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray-src - git275-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-simple-gray version gitAUTOINC+d437c9e29c-r0 - Source files
enigma2-plugin-skins-swain - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: swain
enigma2-plugin-skins-swain-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: swain-hd
enigma2-plugin-skins-ultraviolet - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: ultraviolet
enigma2-plugin-skins-vali-xd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: vali-xd
enigma2-plugin-skins-vali.hd.atlantis - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: vali.hd.atlantis
enigma2-plugin-skins-vali.hd.nano - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: vali.hd.nano
enigma2-plugin-skins-vali.hd.warp - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: vali.hd.warp
enigma2-plugin-skins-yads-hd - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - Enigma2 Skin: yads-hd
enigma2-skins - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - enigma2-skins version experimental-gitAUTOINC+472e9d9257-r0
enigma2-skins-meta - experimental-git394+472e9d9-r0.5 - enigma2-skins version experimental-gitAUTOINC+472e9d9257-r0
font-valis-enigma - 2009.11.12-r0.5 - enigma2-plugin-skins-magic version 1.2+gitAUTOINC+8b5fb84750-r0

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #267 DimitarCC

  • PLi® Contributor
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Posted 17 November 2023 - 10:59

@littlesat Did you updated to the latest nightly?

Vu+DUO4KSE, DM920UHD, Vu+Uno4KSE, SF8008Mini, 2xPulse4K, Vu+Solo2, Dreambox DM500HD, Triax 78 (7E,9E,13E,19.2E,23.5E) & 2xTriax 78 (39E)

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #268 Tech

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 11:48

root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg list | grep skins-e2dark
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos - 1.0+git109+5473a0c-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+5473a0c041-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dbg - 1.0+git109+5473a0c-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+5473a0c041-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dev - 1.0+git109+5473a0c-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+5473a0c041-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-src - 1.0+git109+5473a0c-r0.1 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+5473a0c041-r0 - Source files

Aan de rand van de afgrond is een stap voorwaarts niet altijd vooruitgang....

On the edge of the abyss, a step forward is not always progress....

Hardware: 2x Daily used Vu+ Ultimo 4K - Vu+ Duo 4K SE and a lot more.... - VisioSat BiBigsat - Jultec Unicable Multiswitch 4 positions: 19.2/23.5/28.2 East - Diseqc motorized flatdish antenna

Software : HomeBuild OpenPLi Develop and Scarthgap builds, local cards driven by OsCam

Press the Posted Image button on the buttom right of this message ;)

Have you tried our wiki yet? Many answers can be found in our OpenPLi wiki

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #269 WanWizard

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 12:56

I've checked the download distribution server:

[root@openpli-dist openpli-develop]# find . -name "*darkos*"

so yes, it is in the current develop feed.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #270 Frenske

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 13:18

I checked yesterday on my UNO 4Kse but at that moment, where the image was up-to-date, the skin wasn’t yet available. I will check it after today’s update.

Mijn schotel is een T90 met 10 LNB's. Daarnaast voor de fun nog een draaibaar systeem met een Triax TD 78.

Dreamboxen heb ik niet meer echt actief. Verder heb ik ook nog een een VU+ duo2 met 500Gb harddisk + een VU+ Uno, Zero, Solo 4K, Ultimo 4K, Zero 4K, Uno 4Kse. + ook nog een Xtrend ET7x00. Daarnaast heb ik ook nog diverse andere modellen w.o. een Formuler F4, ET8500, ET7500, Mut@nt 2400HD, Xsarius Fusion HD se en verder nog wel het e.e.a. waarmee op verzoek vanalles wordt getest. Iemand moet het tenslotte doen. ;) :)
Los van de eerder genoemde modellen heb ik nog wel een rits aan testsamples als Mut@nt 2400HD, HD60, GB UE4K, GB Trio4K, Maxitec Multibox combo en Twin, Octagon sf8008, sf8008 mini en last but nog least enkele modellen van het Grieks Duitse Edision.

Voor centrale opslag van media gebruik ik een Qnap 219P 
met tweemaal 2 Tb harddisks + een Synology DS414 met 12 Tb Totale opslag.

Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: Just one click away from this "solutioncentre".

Als ik alles al wist hoefde ik ook niets te vragen. If I had all the knowledge I had no questions at all.

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #271 littlesat

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 13:24

Thanks.... i thought it should already be there from a few days ago... xqq


root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg list | grep darkos
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos - 1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.4 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+4090aac6d3-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dbg - 1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.4 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+4090aac6d3-r0 - Debugging files
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-dev - 1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.4 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+4090aac6d3-r0 - Development files
enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos-src - 1.0+git112+4090aac-r0.4 - enigma2-plugin-skins-e2darkos version 1.0+gitAUTOINC+4090aac6d3-r0 - Source files

Edited by littlesat, 17 November 2023 - 13:25.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #272 littlesat

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 13:28

One observation... see the remark from Tech... the channel number is not there it is indeed '---' at the infobar.

The channellist here the list is a bit down and it contains 21 elements... maybe better allow with standard settings 20 elements and put it a bit higher.

I like that next to the PIG you have the service icon.... maybe in movielist there could be a picture added for the movie... I was looking for a solution for this a longer time. That the PIG is smaller doesn't bother me.

Some information windows (like the menu->info->channel) could be made wider... e.g. for the color buttons I'm no 100% a number of translations will not fit (it does with Dutch).

There is no 3rd (more detailed) 2nd infobar, where we usually show more technical information. So the 2nd infobar could e.g. be limited and then on the 3rd it can be extended (you can toggle for the 2nd and 3rd infobar by holding the OK button - one of OpenPLi's secrets - Maybe we still need to add this to the GUI configs when a skin support it to get people also aware of it).

In the menu screens etc. I miss a location for the menu path stuff.


It is indeed WIP.... ;).... but I think as far I can see now small stuff.... And I think this might really be a candidate to replace the current standard skin...  Even when it is not 'full-pig' I like it....

Edited by littlesat, 17 November 2023 - 13:46.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #273 cobus

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 15:01

I checked yesterday on my UNO 4Kse (the same as Frenske) but at that moment, where the image was up-to-date, the skin wasn’t yet available.

Groetjes Cobus R








Ziggo (digitaal) Kabel TV (FTV) op alle decoders met oa fallback tuner


Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #274 littlesat

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 15:12

When you update/grade today you can find it as e2darkos skin...

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #275 cobus

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 17:13

Today it works fine, thank you.
Nice skin, Could you make the background of the Picon a bit darker?

Groetjes Cobus R








Ziggo (digitaal) Kabel TV (FTV) op alle decoders met oa fallback tuner


Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #276 catastrofus

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 18:43

@DimitarCC: Thanks for adding the channelname in the movielist and for adding the (leader/trailing) icons in the epgscreen!




2 x vu+ultimo4k ((nb & 9.0r) dvb-c fbc + 1 dvb-s2) + een vu+duo4k ((nb) fallbackclient) met een Synology ds214+ (2 x 6 TB) op DSM 7.1.1 in ziggo oost (voormalig @Home) + A1/A2/A3/HB (TechniSat)

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #277 Huevos

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 23:18

One observation... see the remark from Tech... the channel number is not there it is indeed '---' at the infobar.

The channellist here the list is a bit down and it contains 21 elements... maybe better allow with standard settings 20 elements and put it a bit higher.

I like that next to the PIG you have the service icon.... maybe in movielist there could be a picture added for the movie... I was looking for a solution for this a longer time. That the PIG is smaller doesn't bother me.

Some information windows (like the menu->info->channel) could be made wider... e.g. for the color buttons I'm no 100% a number of translations will not fit (it does with Dutch).

There is no 3rd (more detailed) 2nd infobar, where we usually show more technical information. So the 2nd infobar could e.g. be limited and then on the 3rd it can be extended (you can toggle for the 2nd and 3rd infobar by holding the OK button - one of OpenPLi's secrets - Maybe we still need to add this to the GUI configs when a skin support it to get people also aware of it).

In the menu screens etc. I miss a location for the menu path stuff.


It is indeed WIP.... ;).... but I think as far I can see now small stuff.... And I think this might really be a candidate to replace the current standard skin...  Even when it is not 'full-pig' I like it.

If the text of the colour buttons doesn't fit it will switch to fluid layout, i.e. the longest text will get more than 25% of the space available.


Here is an example image. It uses the space where the blue button would be.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  1.jpg   95.34KB   1 downloads

Edited by Huevos, 17 November 2023 - 23:45.

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #278 littlesat

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Posted 18 November 2023 - 00:27

Good idea…. But in the specific screen all four colors are in use…and that screen is not wide.

Edited by littlesat, 18 November 2023 - 00:28.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #279 Huevos

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Posted 18 November 2023 - 00:40

Good idea…. But in the specific screen all four colors are in use…and that screen is not wide.

Yes, so it will adjust all four buttons to best use the available space.

Re: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin #280 littlesat

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Posted 18 November 2023 - 07:08

Not on the screen I mentioned. The service/channel info screen.

Edited by littlesat, 18 November 2023 - 07:08.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

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