There is no magic here, the Vu4K receiver is setup as per any multiboot receiver with the appropriate STARTUP files.
As far I can see there is a change needed in at least one of the images to get a done as you need a modified kernel for it. And as far I can see there are changes needed in the BSP layer....
So when we introduce it we need a merge request on VU+'s bsp and then we should try if VU+ does accept it -or- someone needs a solution with e.g. a recovery image (a small image with a small menu) so no bps layer change is needed.... Then you have exactly the same as the other hardware is doing... As far I can oversee what is done here is that at least one of the images (the first slot???) is modified (the kernel) and performs as a kind of recovery image....
I still think this is a good added value as VU+ lames to create this while having sufficient flash for it... but when it is done and you have boot issues somehow there should be a mechanism that a simple image can bootup somehow where you can select slots and/or install images. I think this is a mandatory 'part' what is missing in this implementation.
At this moment I think it is a good initiative... where due to the structure depend on VU+, but somehow one thing that should part of it is still somehow missing.... It does multiboot, but a user friendly recovery mode is missing (work-a-round is flash the complete box with USB indeed).
Edited by littlesat, 10 March 2023 - 15:28.