I have accidentally deleted the default oscam.server file and I believe I will need it to get my Nagra card working.
What are the default entries in the file?
I have only found this on OpenPLi wiki:
Internal cardshare[edit]
In OpenPLi the softcam OScam is already set/configurated to do an internal cardshare between 2 boxes. By default OScam is configured to connect 2 boxes with "Mainreceiver" becoming the server and the “2nd_box” becoming the client (OSCam terminology calls this the reader). As the developers of OpenPLi don’t know which box you want to be the Mainreceiver and which one becomes the 2nd_box, OScam is configured for both. So you'll have to do 2 things on the one which becomes “2nd_box“ (OScam terminology calls this the reader).