From some time i am struggling with convenient playing m3u playlists in enigma especially when they change too often.
Even some paid m3u lists use hashes inside the url as a security measure. When that is the case its very difficult to play the channels without external player that can handle the playlists.
So i have developed a plugin (currently in OBH and OpenViX) that reads the playlist and create a bouquests with aliases that links to the playlist and specific service.
So even if the playlist changes if the ids of the channels stays the same you dont need to change anything in the enigma bouquets.
Ofcource there is still things to do in the plugin (mainly related to ordering and epg mapping) but the plugin works fine and is suitable for handling any m3u or m3u8 lists.
The plugin uses the new bouquet generation function that have been accepted recently....
So There are few configuration screens to setup the url to the playlist and the way it will be handled...
menu_entry.jpg 104.62KB 6 downloads
menu_entry_2.jpg 98.49KB 3 downloads
Here is the screen where you list defined playlists (you can define more than one)
m3u_providers.jpg 58.65KB 4 downloads
You can create or recreate the bouquets associated to the particular entry and later you will be able to generate mappings for epgimport.
And here you can edit the settings for the particular playlist
m3u_provider_edit.jpg 65.21KB 3 downloads
You can define how the service will be played via the DVB player or via GStreamer/HiSilicon or via ServiceApp if installed.
As you can see after all is defined, bouquet generated you have user experience like you are watching normal satellite TV on your box.
channel_list.jpg 120.04KB 4 downloads
Even in the infobar it shows as provider the name of the playlist entry from the config
iptv_infobar.jpg 114.4KB 4 downloads
So i think is kind of convenient even if there is not frequent changes to the playlist since you have more user friendly experience without to start external players and so on.
Ofcource it not support VoD out of the box for now but that can be added later. Also it will be added a possibility to use catchup from EPG. But for now the base functionality works and you can play your playlist with no issues.
in the bouquet services are defined like that
#SERVICE 1:0:19:3FD:32:1:1:0:0:0:tivi%3a//32:bTV HD•TiViBG #DESCRIPTION bTV HD•TiViBG
So no actual url is there. Only an alias to it. Any change of the actual url is picked up dynamically..
Edited by DimitarCC, 22 August 2024 - 08:51.