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Member Since 23 Apr 2009
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In Topic: Help setting up Unicable II setup requested

Yesterday, 21:48

Good suggestion indeed, but getting another cable will be a royal pain as well. This was the main reason the unicable setup was my choice.

I have ordered the programmer. It will arrive in 2 days. I figured having the programmer and be able to configure the switches is nice, plus added benefit of being able to align my dish in case a storm messes things up using the same device is a nice to have as well. 

Once I received the programmer and get things up and running. I will confirm here, so that future readers may be able to sort this out following the same steps.

In Topic: Help setting up Unicable II setup requested

30 June 2024 - 13:45

Thank you for the quick answer WanWizard.

I was afraid this might be the case, IE needing to explicitly program the switches. I did describe my intended setup to the selling shop (won't be naming them, don't wish to make them look bad, I'm sure they intended to help) but seems they may not have programmed the switches to meet the required setup as I planned and outlined before shipping to me.

Since the shop is quite far away (500+ km, I ordered online), I'll probably decide buying the programmer and be able to manage myself instead of sending the switches back, have the shop reprogram and return the switches. Seems the programmer may also be quite handy to re-allign the dish after a storm, so might handy to have around anyway.

It would have been nice if the seller would have indicated that the switches do need re-programming for my purposes and offered to either program for me or at lease pointed out that I would need a programmer. I did in fact ask if they could confirm my desired setup would work and if anything other would be required. Seems my description may not have been clear enough (or they didn't read it well enough)

Anyhow. I'll try to fix it using a programmer. 

Thanks again.