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Member Since 8 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active 19 Sep 2015 19:29

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In Topic: does openpli support X16 nand access? (I dont think so)

16 September 2015 - 12:02

Thank you very much. Going to have a go with this as its much easier (and cleaner) to apply the patch than to do it by hand every time. 

In Topic: PAU plugin - please file on download

16 September 2015 - 10:49

Can I say as an end user, I bought the zero. I had no idea it didnt record, some of the terminology was lost on me. Infact I used another distro (openvix) and it worked OOTB so didnt even know it was a missing feature.


End users dont always read the small print, or understand the significance of whats being written on the box. I think the fact it can be enabled is why its not explicitly stated on the box "This does NOT record", it would put everyone off buying the box. Esp as its something that can be enabled with s/w.


Just putting out the perspective of an average end user :)

In Topic: does openpli support X16 nand access? (I dont think so)

15 September 2015 - 22:45

Try this
cd oe-alliance/builds/openvix/release/vuuno
source env.source
bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/kernel
bitbake -c patch virtual/kernel
Now change the file in the tmp/work/.... directory. I don't think its in tmp/work-shared, but I'm not 100% sure.
Then execute
bitbake virtual/kernel
This should build new kernel Ipk with the changed sources.


SUCCESS!!... previously I had the box boot but it would corrupt the filesystem if I wrote one byte. now that's not happening and i can use the box like it came from factory.


YOU ARE THE MAN!... One dead Vu Uno to one revived Uno with a new NAND :)


I suggest to create a bbappend file and add the extra patch to SRC_URI. Then build will contain the patch for sure.


Its a one line change, I would love to know how to do what you say so the "fix" is automated.

In Topic: does openpli support X16 nand access? (I dont think so)

15 September 2015 - 17:14

Try this
cd oe-alliance/builds/openvix/release/vuuno
source env.source
bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/kernel
bitbake -c patch virtual/kernel
Now change the file in the tmp/work/.... directory. I don't think its in tmp/work-shared, but I'm not 100% sure.
Then execute
bitbake virtual/kernel
This should build new kernel Ipk with the changed sources.


Thank you, i;ll give it a whirl.

In Topic: does openpli support X16 nand access? (I dont think so)

15 September 2015 - 16:22

And now what are we supposed to do?


I'm simply looking for advice as to where the config for the nand comes from. I'm not demanding you to do anything, just after some advice from devs who are more familiar with the build environment than I am  :(