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Member Since 3 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active 22 May 2022 22:20

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Update of the XMLTV sources

20 August 2017 - 22:05

Well, I managed to reproduce your error.  And I can it only resolve by letting replace some software manually.

Unzip the attached file to:



Delete also all pyo files in this folder.

Restart enigma2.  (to recompile all python files of the plug-in)

Then you can import again.


Sorry for the inconvenience




PS: this methods is also valid for all with the same problem, until it is fixed in the source


Thank you so much!!


I just did try your solution and it does work now for me at least for now.

Thank you again!!




In Topic: Kabelscan werkt niet meer.

9 March 2017 - 23:26

Hi all,


I'm sorry if I do write in English.

I understand a little Dutch.

Last night I did an update of my VU+ Duo2 to the latest Open PLi and to my surprise i had to re-scan my Ziggo Channels.

Unfortunately it doesn't work after the Cable scan and I didn't made a backup prior to the update.

I think that there is an problem with the latest Open PLi 4 update.



