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#255849 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 18 February 2012 - 20:05


I just committed several things:
- add support for external plugins (and relative external web api). It's an hack and it work only if original webif it's not installed (any better idea?)

unfortunately, it seems that that's the cause /?/ of a nice GSOD here (on OpenPLi and no old webif installed)

[OpenWebif] hooking original webif plugins
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Console.py", line 56, in finishedCB
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Network.py", line 137, in routeFinished
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Network.py", line 232, in loadNetworkConfig
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Network.py", line 689, in msgPlugins
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/plugin.py", line 96, in IfUpIfDown
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/httpserver.py", line 108, in HttpdStart
root = buildRootTree(session)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/httpserver.py", line 61, in buildRootTree
open(origwebifpath + "/__init__.py", "w")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/__init__.py'
(PyObject_CallObject(<Tools.BoundFunction.boundFunction instance at 0x14649e0>,(0,)) failed)

Could you try again now? (committed a fix)

#255844 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 18 February 2012 - 19:50

Would it be possible to make the stream option also awayable in the Currenet tab?

Already did it :)

- add stream from current view (the channel name on infobar is a link now)

#255836 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 18 February 2012 - 19:33

I just committed several things:
- fix edit (and add) timers. I've some problem with alignments on firefox (work fine with chrome and safari). Someone more expert than me about css could take a look please?
- add support for external plugins (and relative external web api). It's an hack and it work only if original webif it's not installed (any better idea?)
- change webif version from "0.0.0" to "OWIF 0.1.0" (i think it's visible only from api for now)
- grab screenshot now get a full sized image (scaled inside the browser)
- fix movie list on mobile devices
- fix movie list is sometimes empty
- add gigablue box image
- fix box images for et boxes
- change the way to load the full remote (the compilation of main.tmpl it's now slightly faster)
- add stream from current view (the channel name on infobar is a link now)
- moved default port from 8088 to 80

For what concern me openwebif is mature enough. So i changed the default port to 80. This is not a problem if someone want use openwebif together the original webif. Is simply sufficient change manually the binding port from the plugin setup.
Every major feature is tested and the latest missing things are ready now. And always exists software updates :) I think we can use it as default web interface over the images after some feedbacks about the latest updates

#252753 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 7 February 2012 - 19:51

Back to the right topic :)
Yesterday night i pushed some fix to openwebif.
The subservice api now should work correctly.
The movie delete is fixed (from both api and web)
I also tested it with XBMC.
Taking a look to xbmc source code i saw it doesn't send username and password for every request. But only for the first. I cached the login status inside the session so now it work also with xbmc and authentication enabled. But I found two other "issues" testing xbmc:
- XBMC handle the bouquets as directories. So you can order it by name, size and date (obviously size and date are useless) and you loose your channel order. I add a configuration option to openwebif called "Smart services renaming for XBMC" and openwebif add a sequential number (as a prefix) to the service name. In this way xbmc show the services ordered.
- It doesn't zap before a stream. With one tuner is really annoying :) Looking the source code xbmc do the zap for enigma1 box and not for enigma2. Someone know why? But for this i think it should be patched the code from xbmc side.

What do you think if we move the default port from 8088 to 80? Is it mature enought

#246961 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 15 January 2012 - 22:02

ok, wrote it in my todo

yes, you're right. Same problem on my box. I'll check it
all the other api set should be implemented... but all this stuff still need to be tested

i think it's time to make a list about what work and what doesn't work (but only about the api set)

For now my "issues list" has 2 entry:
- xbmc as client doesn't stream with authentication enabled
- subservices api return an empty result

Please fill that list with other issues... but not too much please :D

#246783 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 15 January 2012 - 13:08

So basically my question is are these things already implemented in OpenWebIf, and are they subject to further changes?

The api set is still under development but it's near to be completed. Actually most apis for original webif are already implemented.
These are the missing apis:

## DO NOT TO DO ##
updates.html ?????? IS IT REALLY NECESSARY ??????
getpid Not needed  E1
settings Not needed.. WHY?
tpm Not needed only for DM

Today i should complete the api set. The last 4 apis (updates.html, getpid, settings, tpm) we don't think they are necessary. And if we don't found an application who use that, they will be not implemented.

Anyway, our purpose is keep compatibility between original webif and openwebif so, if you get some different output from one of our api, please let us know. In theory your application should work on openwebif as well as with original webif. If this doesn't happen probably there's a bug somewhere in our api set.

Is there any informations is there any E2 images distributing it as default?

Not yet. Because the first stable version it's not completed (but as i told we are near to achieve that).
I'm pretty confident (but maybe i'm wrong) that various teams should use openwebif as default webif when it's completed.
The main reason to choose openwebif instead of the original webif is mainly the license. To explain it shortly you shouldn't use original webif on not dmm boxes (this because the license).

Is there any wiki site?

No, for now you can still use the wiki of original webif

#244869 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 9 January 2012 - 14:46

So i think the best way is do the point of the situation after complete all the api set.

Good point!
So when all is done, you take the lead in asking around I suppose?

Yes, i will

#244853 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 9 January 2012 - 13:34

Yesterday i committed various api (related to services and mediaplayer).
Now there are really few missing api (about 5 or 6). I'll finish them next weekend.
When the api support will be completed we start to speak about what doesn't work. I read some post in past about possible bugs and/or client applications who doesn't work as expected. Something maybe it was fixed and something not. So i think the best way is do the point of the situation after complete all the api set.

#242287 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 30 December 2011 - 00:33

That was the solution, compiles fine now!

resume to use /usr/bin/cheetah-compile /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/*.tmpl

You also have to install python-shell and python-textutils

You can also compile web, ajax and mobiles templates
/usr/bin/cheetah-compile /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/web/*.tmpl
/usr/bin/cheetah-compile /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/ajax/*.tmpl
/usr/bin/cheetah-compile /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/mobile/*.tmpl

Remember that every time you update a template you must recompile it.

#242283 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 30 December 2011 - 00:14


#242276 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 29 December 2011 - 23:33

ok, tried to do that but this happens... what is missing in my image?

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views# /usr/bin/cheetah-compile compile /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/cheetah-compile", line 2, in <module>
from Cheetah.CheetahWrapper import _cheetah_compile
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Cheetah/CheetahWrapper.py", line 18, in <module>
ImportError: No module named glob

Try to install python-shell

Note how much time take the compiler to compile the main template respect the index template

root@et9x00:/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views# time cheetah-compile index.tmpl
Compiling index.tmpl -> index.py
real    0m 3.07s
user    0m 2.92s
sys	 0m 0.12s
root@et9x00:/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views# time cheetah-compile main.tmpl
Compiling main.tmpl -> main.py
real    0m 15.39s
user    0m 14.86s
sys	 0m 0.26s

#241568 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 27 December 2011 - 17:00

I also think over it,
to implement the internal streamserver from Pli as module,
same as the streamts.so in the vlc-plugin.

no, such an so would suffer from binary incompatibilities, as streaming depends on some e2 core classes.
So either use internal streaming, or use the external streamproxy.
(and the external streamproxy needs a list of pids, delivered by the webif)

24 hours per day is not enough :-))


Until we have a better idea (or time to realize something better) we simply can recycle the old streamproxy. It's a GPL project and we can use it as it is, or fork it inside e2openplugins organization if we prefer.
Images (like pli) with internal stream server simply doesn't need to install streamproxy.


#241459 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 27 December 2011 - 12:14

I understand your point of view.
But i don't like to remove the description icon because it is a conditional icon. If the icon is visible it means that the description is available, if the icon is not visible it mens that there is not description available for the event.
For this reason my vote is -1 to remove icon.

About starting tab my vote is 0.
It seems to me more logic to start from current tab but i understand your point of view so i have not preference. We can look for other opinions.
By the way you can easly customize this simply editing file: OpenWebif/controllers/views/ajax/tv.tmpl
find line:

\$(document).ready(function() {
substitute with:
\$(document).ready(function() {

What do you think if i add an option inside the plugin configuration (inside e2 menu) to select the preferred default screen? As default we keep "ajax/current" but the user can change it.

#241457 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 27 December 2011 - 12:11

Works also with IPad and Dreambox Live App.
But the full remote is still the dreambox remote at the et900 :(

I already fixed it on my repo. I'll push it this evening.

#236950 OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

Posted by skaman on 6 December 2011 - 22:10

I just pushed some changes to openwebif

the mini remote is working now
the full remote is not anymore a floating window but it's docked inside the left menu (@homey: i hope it's ok for you)
the left menu open all pages with ajax (now there's only the index in root controller)
add et9x00 and et5x00 remotes (thanks to Carl)