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Member Since 18 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active 21 Apr 2016 22:07

Posts I've Made

In Topic: request for transcoding on SoloSE

21 April 2016 - 22:07



Is There any news about transcoding on solo se and solo se v2 ? 



In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

25 January 2016 - 20:48

Hi all,





Add the attached patch in this message in xbmc recipe


Thanks a lot for the patch ;)


@mx3L & @dakmantk


please ! can i add the patch audioengine-on.patch in the libshairport directory & include it in the file: libshairport.inc like this :

file://audioengine-on.patch;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \

or there is an other way to apply it ?

In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

25 January 2016 - 15:42







Thanks for your contribution.

About AudioEngine issue, it's working for me.

1 - Revert commit "AudioEngine off




Can you please tell us how can we do this revet ?
