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Member Since 18 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active 28 Jan 2017 19:56

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In Topic: IPTV Player - development thread

28 January 2017 - 19:58



I can add this but on this service many links are dead links. Not working links.

Did you check this?

The stable website is actually teledunet.com



I check this site and there is also manny dead links.

For example:

SPORT -> Bein Sport 2 HD FR

and so on.


Also not good site.



I am so sorry 
i didn't try many channels 
i've tested it now and none of those channels work
sorry for disturbing you samsamsam 

In Topic: IPTV Player - development thread

27 January 2017 - 16:11

Good afternoon dear samsamsam 

thank you for all the good work you do to this amazing plugin


i was wonder if you do have time please try to add this web-stream




it's so useful to watch beinsport channels and sports channels in general 


thank you once again 

In Topic: IPTV Player - development thread

20 August 2016 - 16:55

Good evening,
just for the info and for those who say that there is no much working hosts 
Here is some hosts that i use it everyday:
*when it comes to movies i think that ""moviehd.is"" is the best one,i can watch any movie whether an old or new one. 
Some of the working links: 
openload,videomega,and the most important one is "googleusercontent.com" works very good and with many different video sizes
""moviehd.is"" is also pretty good with TV shows as well.
*And for the TV shows i use ""watchseries.to"" because it's a the masterpiece. 
the working links are so many:
gorillavid,vodlocker,vidzi,....especially "thevideo.me" it has a many different video sizes.
these are just my number one hosts according to my language and my internet speed.
So i think that everyone should try the plugin and the hosts before jumping to conclusions and criticism.
Once again i thank samsamsam for the best plugin and the great efforts that no one can deny in order to keep the plugin on the top. 

In Topic: IPTV Player - development thread

3 July 2016 - 03:55


Sorry but I do not know arabic language. I even not know what it is on this site and how to navigate.



that's alright thank you again dear friend  ^_^

In Topic: IPTV Player - development thread

3 July 2016 - 02:25

Noting that channels work on the website from my computer through channels section (from the left of the page) and don't work from the schedules section(on the center table)