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Member Since 10 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active 02 Dec 2015 08:29

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In Topic: DB transcoder

1 December 2015 - 02:18

The full error message:



sudo /opt/e2enc/enc 400 1 /var/www/stream/ 4000000 -v
** (enc:2783): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
** (enc:2783): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
** (enc:2783): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
** (enc:2783): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
** (enc:2783): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
Analyzing URI timed out
souphttpsrc location= is-live=true ! decodebin name=demux demux.src_1 ! queue !  audioresample ! audioconvert dithering=0 ! audio/x-raw,channels=2 ! avenc_aac compliance=experimental ! mux. mpegtsmux name=mux ! hlssink max-files=4 location=/var/www/stream/stream%05d.ts playlist-location=/var/www/stream/ystream.m3u8 target-duration=10 demux. ! queue deinterlace method=greedyl ! videoscale method=1 ! videorate ! videoconvert ! omxh264enc target-bitrate=4000000 control-rate=variable inlin             e-header=true periodicty-idr=1 interval-intraframes=50 ! video/x-h264,framerate=24/1,profile=high,width=400,height=0 ! h264parse config-interval=5 ! mux.
souphttpsrc location= is-live=true ! decodebin name=demux demux.src_1 ! queue ! audioresample ! audioconvert dithering=0 ! audio/x-raw,channels=2 ! avenc_aac compliance=experimental ! mux. mpegtsmux name=mux ! hlssink max-files=4 location=/var/www/stream/stream%05d.ts playlist-location=/var/www/stream/ystream.m3u8 target-duration=10 demux. ! queue ! deinterlace method=greedyl ! videoscale method=1 ! videorate ! videoconvert ! omxh264enc target-bitrate=4000000 control-rate=variable inline-header=true periodicty-idr=1 interval-intraframes=50 ! video/x-h264,framerate=24/1,profile=high,width=400,height=0 ! h264parse config-interval=5 ! mux.
Could not create pipeline: could not link omxh264enc-omxh264enc0 to h264parse0

In Topic: DB transcoder

1 December 2015 - 01:28


Now I have tried to switch off "Include ECM in http streams" but getting the same error.


In the beginning of the error it says:


** (enc:2825): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

** (enc:2825): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

** (enc:2825): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

** (enc:2825): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

** (enc:2825): WARNING **: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY





Could not create pipeline: could not link omxh264enc-omxh264enc0 to h264parse0


What can I do to help you find this error?



In Topic: DB transcoder

10 November 2015 - 23:49

Hi again,

I am only trying to transcode HD-channels and the error message that I got was when try to encode SVT1 HD which is in MPEG4.


So there's something else that's causing the error.

In Topic: DB transcoder

10 November 2015 - 18:34


I just bought a Raspberry PI to use this SW but I get the same error as post #28. I have done what you suggested in post #29 and checked that the file looks correct and it does, I also tried to manually launch the transcoder but with the same result "Could not create pipeline: could not link omxh264enc-omxh264enc0 to h264parse0"


What to do next?




PS. It works really good on a Win-machine ;-)