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Member Since 13 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active 02 Mar 2024 11:28

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In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

2 December 2015 - 21:29

These are the correct steps for Vu+ DUO2 with OpenSpa 5.0.002 and Oscam Ymod


1.Install dvbsnoop throw telnet "opkg update" and after "opkg Install dvbsnoop". I give 755 attributes to it.

2.Install this 3 files
“bbc_pmt_starter.sh” “bbc_pmt_v6.py”  and “enigma2_pre_start.sh” in usr/bin and I give 755 attributes to it.

3.Modify “bbc_pmt_starter.sh” with this line  “ scriptName=”bbc_pmt:v6.py –t long –d /ddev/dvd/adapter0/demux0”” Restart the deco.

4.Edit the file lamedb: telnet  “init 4” throw FTP I access to etc/enigma2/lamedb I edit it and after telnet “init 3”

5.Install OSCam-ymod v18 and I move the file oscam.keys inside etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-ymod   Reset the deco.

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

30 November 2015 - 22:56

Finally got it to work!


Thanks to andres66


Vu+ DUO2 with OpenSpa 5.0.002

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

20 November 2015 - 18:03

Hi and grettings everyone,
I've been trying to watch BBC channel with Intelsat 27.5, but I can't.
Here is the explanation of what I'm doing:

1.I Install dvdsnoop throw telnet "opkg update" and after "opkg I Install dvdbsnoop"and  everything ok without any error. I give 755 attributes to it.

2.I Install this 3 files
“bbc_pmt_starter.sh” “bbc_pmt_v6.py”  and “enigma2_pre_start.sh” in usr/bin and I give 755 attributes to it.

3.I modify “bbc_pmt_starter.sh” with this line  “ scriptName=”bbc_pmt:v6.py –t long –d /ddev/dvd/adapter0/demux0”” I restart the deco.

4.Edit the file lamedb: “init 4” throw FTP I access to etc/enigma2/lamedb I edit it and after “init 3”

5.I install OSCam-ymod v18 and I move the file oscam.keys inside
/usr/keys/   I reset the deco.

But it doesn't work and the problem is that I don't know what it's failing
How can I know what is happening?
I don't know if it's the version of the three files or maybe the modification of “bbc_pmt_starter.sh”, the  values of lamedb o wrong keys... ¿How can I find the failure? Thanks in advance.
I've a deco Vu+ DUO2 with OpenSpa 4.0.004