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Member Since 19 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active 16 Sep 2020 19:49

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In Topic: The end of Rytec EPG?

31 March 2019 - 19:42

I didn't realise you where after complicated files that require a php setup and tokens just to get the data.


Just reading through some of them posts on webgrabplus forum what a strange place that forum has become.

The attitude of the major player on there of  I can do it, but I am not showing anyone else is ridiculous. Apart from resentment what is he trying to achieve.


...and doglover just reading through some of your later posts on there, I feel your pain.

In Topic: The end of Rytec EPG?

31 March 2019 - 17:56

The principles behind webgrab plus is simple. Although the program is over complicated because it tries to be a catch all. And you need a degree in geekness to be able to use it.


All it is doing is reading various json files from a website or seperate url and traversing through the keys.


Everything you need can actually be done on your enigma2 box with python. Downloading the json files, building the xml files, cross referencing the lame files etc.


My next months project is going to be exactly this. I have already doing something extremely similar for my latest project, which is a picon download called "e2piconizer". (soon to be released)


For example sky uk tv guide. All this initial data can be found in the tv guide html

<script id="initialData" type="application/json"> ........


or sourced from the epg APIs.





Virgin UK TV, is exactly the same except it uses Horizon TV API for the data.

Horizon TV has many worldwide channels that can be scraped.

https://web-api.hori...n/web/channels/ # romania
https://web-api.hori...l/web/channels/ # poland
https://web-api.hori...d/web/channels/  # Netherlands
https://web-api.hori...n/web/channels/  # Hungary
https://web-api.hori...s/web/channels/  # Czech
https://web-api.hori...u/web/channels/  # Switzerland/German
https://web-api.hori...k/web/channels/  # Slovakia
https://web-api.hori...u/web/channels/  # Austria/German


here is an old link of someone that made a horizon tv grabber. Lots of useful information in his code.




There is always a way ;)