You don't referre to the bootlogo' but to the splashscreen. OpenATV and some other images seem to think it is necessary to replace the original manufacturer logo (splashscreen) for one of themselves. And we don't.
You can flash just the Edision splashscreen in case you have one. You can also flash the original Edision image and when you're done, flash an OpenPLi image again.
Hi many thx 4 your reply.Where can i find the original Edision image?THX again
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In Topic: Edision OSMINI:without bootlogo?
7 February 2017 - 20:57
In Topic: Edision OS MINI COMBO:Issues with isetting2!
20 July 2016 - 19:12
That's what I'll do, then.Thx 4 your support.Bye
In Topic: Edision OS MINI COMBO:Issues with isetting2!
20 July 2016 - 16:33
As stated previously...this problem occured only with OpenPLi.It's very strange.My internet connection on OpenPLi is working. I dont understand the issue.
In Topic: Edision OS MINI COMBO:Issues with isetting2!
20 July 2016 - 14:26
http://linuxsat-supp...hannibal-PluginDunno. Never heard of this plugin, no clue what it does and how.
How have you confirmed the box has a working internet connection?
Yes,my internet connection is working.
In Topic: Edision OS MINI COMBO:Issues with isetting2!
20 July 2016 - 13:38
Hi. Thx 4 your reply. Right, OK, I've done it before.It clearly says there may be an issue with your internet connection, so first step is to check that.
Internet connection works!
This problem occured only with OpenPLi.Hw Can i fix it?
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