A lot of channels changed on 1w and are npt matching the EPG anymore.
I've updated some of them. I will do the rest of them when time allows. maybe you can upgate also your channel list. Thanks
<channel id="EtnoTV.ro">1:0:1:DC0:C:1:E082E7C:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Etno -->
<channel id="EuforiaLifestyle.ro">1:0:1:7667:2BF:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Euforia Lifestyle -->
<channel id="Antena1.ro">1:0:1:76CC:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Antena 1 -->
<channel id="Antena Stars.ro">1:0:1:78C5:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Antena Stars -->
<channel id="Auto Motor Sport.ro">1:0:1:778E:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Auto Motor Sport -->
<channel id="Antena 3.ro">1:0:1:76C1:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Antena 3 -->