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Member Since 26 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active 05 Sep 2015 18:01

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DM800HD PVR: Howto xmltvimport-rytec / openpli-4.0-beta(gjstroom dm800 build)

5 May 2015 - 11:38

Note that this is a completely unsupported setup - if it breaks something (and it likely will at some point) you are probably on your own. These notes are offered here as a mark of appreciation to all who have kept some excellent software runnable on very old and unsupported hardware. Hopefully it be of use to some and maybe keep the same questions from coming up a lot on the forum.

Starting with a very old DM800HD PVR (original DMM hardware - not sim2) on:
  OpenPLi-unstable-dm800-20100512 / dreambox-secondstage - 76-r1
1. flashed secondstage-dm800-84.nfi www.dreamboxupdate.com with IE in _compatibility mode_
2. flashed openpli-4.0-beta-dm800-20150330-sim2-ssl84d.nfi from dreamoem.com
3. flashed secondstage-dm800-84.nfi again
Installed these plugins via the UI:
1. enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport
2. enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport-rytec
Configured/triggered a manual import and I have EPG listings.
Many thanks to the Rytec and OpenPLi team's for excellent software and updates over the many years, and to gjstroom for patching openpli and including patches from OpenATV (hope I haven't missed anyone - apologies in advance if I have).