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Member Since 21 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active 18 Dec 2020 11:38

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In Topic: IPTV epg import

6 March 2017 - 19:31

In the epg.xml file this channel is named:

<channel id="CineStar Premiere">
    <display-name lang="hr">CineStar Premiere</display-name>



Sorry, i forgot to say - this is my new source: http://epg.nextgen-iptv.com/epg.xml


<channel id="CinestarPremiere1">
    <display-name lang="hr">CineStar Premiere - CineStar Premiere</display-name>


Today i got the epg for this channel to, without doing anything?
I also lost today the epg for ~10 other channels. After manual update, they appear again.
The question now is - why they get lost?

In Topic: IPTV epg import

3 March 2017 - 20:37

ok, this one had 6 zero instead of 5....

but what about this channel:

<channel id="CinestarPremiere1">1:0:19:737:C5A8:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>



<channel id="CinestarPremiere1">
    <display-name lang="hr">CineStar Premiere - CineStar Premiere</display-name>

In Topic: IPTV epg import

3 March 2017 - 20:08


Downloaded the file form your example and found out why it does not work directly.

The file is a gzipped tar file.


The epg.xml file is first put into a tar ball.  This tar ball is gzipped.

The EPGimport routine does not handle this sort of files.  The epg.xml should be gzipped whithout first creating a tarball.


You sources file should work just fine. The problem is the xml file, as I described above.


You can automate the process of retreiving the file from the above mentioned website, by using a sh script and setting cron job on your enigma machine.


The sh script could look something like this:

wget epg.serbianforum.org/epg.xml.gz -O /media/hdd/epg/epg.xml.gz 
gunzip /media/hdd/epg/epg.xml.gz

You get then a epg.xml file on your hdd.  This file can be used in the epgimport plug-in

No need to rezip it.


Your sources file would look like this then:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-3"?>
<channel name="ExYU">

</channel><source type="gen_xmltv" channels="ExYU">


Hello Willy!

Thank you very much. I found out, that there is another Link from the same source to an unpacked xml file (http://epg.serbianforum.org/epg.xml), so i do not need the script anymore.

But now I have another problem:
There are some channels without epg. I uninstalled the xmltv import plugin, and installed it again. After that, a few more channels got epg, but still not all of them.

I checked the Service Reference multiple times in the userboquet and the rytec.channels.xml. A also looked if the mapping of the channels between the rytec.channels.xml and the epg.xml file is correct.

I did not find any mistake.

Here is an example for one the channels not working:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- service references can be found in /etc/enigma2/lamedb -->


<channel id="ORF1">1:0:19:132F:3EF:1:C00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="ORF2">1:0:19:1330:3EF:1:C00000:0:0:0</channel>




and here the epg.xml file of my new source:


 <channel id="ORF1">
    <display-name lang="de">ORF 1 - ORF 1</display-name>
  <channel id="ORF2">
    <display-name lang="de">ORF 2 - ORF 2</display-name>


I hope you have one more good idea


sorry, wrong channels...

this is the one not working:

<channel id="RTLKockica">1:0:16:15:1:40:A000000:0:0:0:</channel>


and here is the entry from the epg.xml

<channel id="RTLKockica">
    <display-name lang="hr">RTL Kockica - RTL Kockica</display-name>

In Topic: IPTV epg import

3 March 2017 - 19:58

Downloaded the file form your example and found out why it does not work directly.

The file is a gzipped tar file.


The epg.xml file is first put into a tar ball.  This tar ball is gzipped.

The EPGimport routine does not handle this sort of files.  The epg.xml should be gzipped whithout first creating a tarball.


You sources file should work just fine. The problem is the xml file, as I described above.


You can automate the process of retreiving the file from the above mentioned website, by using a sh script and setting cron job on your enigma machine.


The sh script could look something like this:

wget epg.serbianforum.org/epg.xml.gz -O /media/hdd/epg/epg.xml.gz 
gunzip /media/hdd/epg/epg.xml.gz

You get then a epg.xml file on your hdd.  This file can be used in the epgimport plug-in

No need to rezip it.


Your sources file would look like this then:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-3"?>
<channel name="ExYU">

</channel><source type="gen_xmltv" channels="ExYU">


Hello Willy!

Thank you very much. I found out, that there is another Link from the same source to an unpacked xml file (http://epg.serbianforum.org/epg.xml), so i do not need the script anymore.

But now I have another problem:
There are some channels without epg. I uninstalled the xmltv import plugin, and installed it again. After that, a few more channels got epg, but still not all of them.

I checked the Service Reference multiple times in the userboquet and the rytec.channels.xml. A also looked if the mapping of the channels between the rytec.channels.xml and the epg.xml file is correct.

I did not find any mistake.

Here is an example for one the channels not working:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- service references can be found in /etc/enigma2/lamedb -->


<channel id="ORF1">1:0:19:132F:3EF:1:C00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="ORF2">1:0:19:1330:3EF:1:C00000:0:0:0</channel>




and here the epg.xml file of my new source:


 <channel id="ORF1">
    <display-name lang="de">ORF 1 - ORF 1</display-name>
  <channel id="ORF2">
    <display-name lang="de">ORF 2 - ORF 2</display-name>


I hope you have one more good idea

In Topic: IPTV epg import

26 February 2017 - 10:16

I want to use a different source for epg then rytec. It is this one: epg.serbianforum.org/epg.xml.gz

In Kodi it is working, but with the EPGImport Plugin it is not. But if I open this EPG File with "Prog Guide" (this is a Software from ProgDVB) and do an Export to xml, and then compress it to gz and put it to my HDD, then the EPGImport is working. This is my sources.xml File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-3"?>

<channel name="ExYU">

<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="ExYU">
    <!-- <url>/media/hdd/epg/TVGuid.xml.gz</url> -->
