Ok, do you know any guide for doing this?
For you which method give more security? SSH Tunnel or OpenVPN Server installed on the box as i say?
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In Topic: OpenWebIf through HTTPS
29 February 2020 - 15:04
In Topic: OpenWebIf through HTTPS
29 February 2020 - 14:40
Ok thank you very much.
Now I would like to test also VPN method, but I don’t have any PC in the same LAN in which is placed the box, I only have a router and the box. My question is: is possible to install OpenVPN as Server directly in the box so i can use a pc from outside as client and connect to the box through the VPN server installed in the box lot? Without connect to another server first?
Now I would like to test also VPN method, but I don’t have any PC in the same LAN in which is placed the box, I only have a router and the box. My question is: is possible to install OpenVPN as Server directly in the box so i can use a pc from outside as client and connect to the box through the VPN server installed in the box lot? Without connect to another server first?
In Topic: OpenWebIf through HTTPS
29 February 2020 - 00:59
And if I use a strong password instead public key, is this bypassable?
For example: ti[dh-1)18]]75.
For example: ti[dh-1)18]]75.
In Topic: OpenWebIf through HTTPS
29 February 2020 - 00:26
Ok, I’ve tested using SSH, it’s work fine, now i have another question for you: I would like to change the SSH default port from 22 to a port as 12345, in order to avoid to open 22 port on router to prevent port scan on port 22. Is possible to change SSH default port?
In Topic: OpenWebIf through HTTPS
16 February 2020 - 16:09
So there is no way to expose OpenWebIf in secure mode by only using the box..?
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