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Member Since 9 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active 22 Mar 2017 20:44

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Enigma2 Plugin Exodus Version 2.0

17 February 2017 - 15:07

Those options only work with stbs that have usb port, dm500hd doesnt unfortunatelly.
The other option is mount pc folder but it would mean that my pc stays on every time I want to use kodi...

In Topic: Enigma2 Plugin Exodus Version 2.0

16 February 2017 - 22:50

Is there any updated version of this plugin?

2.0 version has only sd streams and no search option.
It is the only option to watch movie streams for those of us that have stbs with small flash memmory :(

In Topic: Enigma2 Plugin Exodus Version 2.0

1 December 2016 - 22:02

after trying to run exodus and one of the movies I get enigma crash and error no module named pysqlite2 in the green screen of enigma crash

In Topic: Enigma2 Plugin Exodus Version 2.0

1 December 2016 - 21:59



I tried to install exodus plugin in my dm500hd with newenigma 2 which I used to have this plugin before but after flashing new image now I cannot install it again


I tried with the update to root and restart enigma and also these commands


opkg install python-sqlite3
opkg install python-json


json installs in telnet but I have problem with this sqlite3 it seys missing depandancies or something


both wasy, same error, whether I try to install it in telnet or manually with my remote control

also tred this




didnt work either


any suggestions ?

In Topic: Enigma2 Plugin Exodus Version 2.0

4 November 2016 - 00:29

actually after I restart enigma gui the box cant boot up so I have to flash the new image