Thanks WanWizard. I changed password and problem resolved.
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Due to a database corruption issue, we were forced to restore last-nights backup. This means all posts of Saterday Febuary 17th have been lost.Community Stats
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In Topic: openpli 7 ftp
9 March 2019 - 18:22
In Topic: openpli 7 ftp
9 March 2019 - 06:15
I don't install any scripts. I only install image and after fiew minutes telnet are blocking. May be script-blocker is in new openpli? How can I find such a script and neutralize it?
It is strange but on my old image 6.2. i don't have such problems.
In Topic: openpli 7 ftp
8 March 2019 - 06:37
I think ssh still work, but for user root need the passwod. I don't have the password/
In Topic: openpli 7 ftp
7 March 2019 - 17:22
Thank you for you help. yes i am shure because in web is working. After power off and on telnet is working fiew minutes.
In Topic: openpli 7 ftp
7 March 2019 - 15:45
May be i need to update some drivers?
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