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Member Since 1 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active 01 Mar 2016 13:10

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In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

25 February 2016 - 16:25

Will you be updating to Kodi 16.0 (Jarvis) now that it have been released?





In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

3 February 2016 - 11:04

@mx3L, can you please also build and include the Vu+ (Enigma2) PVR addon client binary with your Kodi builds?




I don't believe that anyone have previously compiled this binary PVR client addon for Kodi on Vu+ before:




With this PVR client addon for Kodi included then you could utilitze Kodi as a DVR frontend with access to EPG and more:




Some more dvelopment information about compiling it (with cmake) in this subforum on the Kodi community forum:




Specifically see:



In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

3 February 2016 - 10:47

@mx3L, if it is to much work to reimplement the above mentioned "GSTPlayer" GStreamer player code in Kodi(?), do you then think that it would instead be possible to pipeline GStreamer hardware accelerated video decoding to native Kodi's internal video player on Vu+ via the VA-API?


That is, Kodi's internal video player does have native support for VA-API, and Vu+ supports GStreamer, but Kodi does not have native support for GStreamer (without the above linked "GSTPlayer" player code), so could you with 01org's GStreamer plugins and libraries for hardware accelerated video processing channel GStreamer though the VAAPI if you could build an Vu+ image with VA-API support?






Again, if not an alternative could be to revieve this old "GSTPlayer" video player for Kodi (formerly XBMC) based on GStreamer:

The goal would be to achieve native hardware accelerated video playback inside Kodi with its internal video player instead of having to use an external video player.

In Topic: Kodi 15.2 for vusolose, vusolo2 and vuduo2

2 February 2016 - 15:13

@mx3L, are you or anyone else working on a Kodi 16.0 (Jarvis) port to Vu+ Enigma2 based boxes?
Kodi 16.0 (Jarvis) will be released any day now and later does supposedly have more portable code and is better optimized for embedded systems.
It would maybe be best to spend time porting the v16 (Jarvis) branch of Kodi instead of the older 15.x versions.
This new release also has a updated PVR client addon for VuPlus, see:
Even better for Vu+ will be the upcomming v17 (Krypton) which will have a new native internal video player core (called "VideoPlayer" instead of "DVDPlayer"):
Kodi 17.0 new internal video player (called "VideoPlayer") should probabably be a little easier to port to run nativly Vu+ with hardware acceleration:
Porting and using Kodi's new internal video player nativly on Vu+ will bring the best experince.
Alternative could be to update this old "GSTPlayer" video player for XBMC based on GStreamer:
That GStreamer player code ("GSTPlayer") was abandoned but could perhaps be updated for Kodi.
Though I believe that Kodi have moved away from seperate players to using "codecs" instead, see:
There are "codecs" for OpenMAX, VAAPI, VDPAU, so you could make a new "codec" for GStreamer.
Maybe you could port "GSTPlayer" into "GSTcodec" following the above examples?
Another alternative is to implement GStreamer via VA-API which Kodi already supports:
Great work regardless! Hope that this development of Kodi for Enigma2 boxes will continue to gain support.