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Member Since 4 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active 17 Feb 2020 13:27

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In Topic: Update of the XMLTV sources

6 January 2018 - 18:03



No need to perform multiple post for the same problem, you already ask it there and you get an answer.





Ah ok, as the fix was released in this post, I thought I should have made the request here to change the fix for my problem. Then I repeat the request in the other post you indicated, thanks.

In Topic: Update of the XMLTV sources

6 January 2018 - 17:42

Hi everyone, I have a problem with epgimport.
I put the fix that you did, now I download xz file but it remains blocked ([EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport.xz) does not decompress it, I'm not sure why it uses lzma to decompress it and my version says "lzma: epgimport.xz: File format not recognized ". (I can not update lzma gives me various errors).
But if I unzip the file with xz (instead of lzma) it decompresses it without problems.
so I ask you if you can have a fix to make sure that epgimport uses xz instead of lzma, thanks.
I have otherwise if there are any alternative links with gz sources to use, thanks.

In Topic: EPG data distribution format

6 January 2018 - 12:22

The feeds are maintained permanently. Just use the "software update" in the menu to update your box to the latest version. It should even replace xmltvimport by epgimport automatically.

Ok, thank you, I try.

In Topic: EPG data distribution format

6 January 2018 - 12:17

Unfortunately they are not present, maybe they have not updated the feeds, I have problems, how can I update the image feeds?

In Topic: EPG data distribution format

6 January 2018 - 11:58

Hi, unfortunately in my openpli 4.0 feeds there are no updated versions of epgimport or even python-lzma.
The only ones I managed to install are liblzma5 - 5.2.0-r0 and xz - 5.2.0-r0, but there are no python-lzma and neither epgimport.
Can someone give me links to the new feed or the link of the missing ipk files to be installed to get epgimport to work properly with the xz files? thank you.