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Member Since 17 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active 19 Feb 2016 08:06

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In Topic: feeds down ?

17 February 2016 - 21:02

One solution for now (till OpenPLI team fix this issue) is this:


Take one of MastaG's images with new GST and install it on your box. It runs on different feed that does not have this problem.


Or when you want to run the original OpenPLI, then you can also install MastaG images first. Then copy the map "opkg" + contents from /etc to your computer

Now install original OpenPLI image. start box and rename the map /etc/opkg to something like /etc/okg_backup

Copy the previously made backup from the map opkg from MastaG image to /etc

Install all packages you want (do not make software update ! ; only install packages)

Remove the map OPKG from /etc

Rename the map /etc/opkg_backup back to /etc/opkg


Forgive me for asking a noob question, but where can i find a " MastaG's image with new GST?



In Topic: feeds down ?

17 February 2016 - 19:53

cccam221 is downloadable, so if you really need cccam you could use 221 for the time being?

Or use the enclosed cccam 2.30


221 doesn't install either.


When i manually install version 2.30 that you enclosed has a dependency: softcam-support_1.0-r1.2_all.ipk .... of course it tries to pull this file from the repositories... same error 404 not found :(

In Topic: feeds down ?

17 February 2016 - 17:42

Ow? Is that something that needs to be fixed on server side (repositories), or on the sat receiver?

I already tried OPKG update ...

In Topic: feeds down ?

17 February 2016 - 17:26

Same problem here. Tested on two boxes (ET9000 and ET9500). Feeds are unavailable ....