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Member Since 29 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active 08 Oct 2016 13:22

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In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

5 March 2016 - 12:33





you can read here



Going to try that! Thanks :D

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

3 March 2016 - 10:16


so I guess it doesn't start automatically with Openpli :(


If you have enigma2_pre_start.sh (with executable permissions) in /usr/bin it should all just work on (re-)boot.










#do cleanup
cd $scriptPath
killall -9 bbc_pmt_starter.sh
for scriptName in `ls -1 bbc_pmt*py`
        killall -9 $scriptName

export scriptPath
$scriptPath/bbc_pmt_starter.sh &



Yes!! That did it! I had set the .py file as executable, but not the starter one...

One last question: Is there any way of streaming the BBC channels to Kodi or VLC? It won't play when I download the streaming file from Openwebif (I wonder it's not getting the pids or the PMT or whatever it's called).


Thank you so much for your help!!!  :D

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

2 March 2016 - 17:00


"I tried using the starter script, but it wouldn't work"


If I remember correctly, you have to run bbc_pmt_starter.sh as a background task, i.e.

bbc_pmt_starter.sh &


The sequence from boot is:






bbc_pmt_starter.sh &


which runs






The problem is that if I don't manually run bbc_pmt_starter or bbc_pmt_v6 the channels don't work, so I guess it doesn't start automatically with Openpli :(

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

2 March 2016 - 08:06



I also can't seem to get the script up and running.




Are you using bbc_pmt_starter.sh to start bbc_pmt_v6.py?


Do you have execute permissions on both files (chmod 755 bbc_pmt*) ?


Have you edited bbc_pmt_starter.sh to start the correct version of bbc_pmt_vX.py?

Here's mine (for Vu+ Duo 2):



scriptName="bbc_pmt_v6.py -t long -d /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3"

while [ 1 ]
        echo "=== starting $scriptName" >> $logName
        $scriptPath/$scriptName >> $logName 2>&1
        echo "=== $scriptName exited..." >> $logName





(Your adaper/demux may be different numbers).



I tried using the starter script, but it wouldn't work and I did modify it and it has execute permissions, so instead I tried the normal one (bbc_pmt_v6.py) and it worked!!.But when I closed the telnet session on Putty it obviously stopped working. Is there any way of making the script start up with Openpli or starting it up just when watching a Intelsat 907 channel??


THank you so much again for your help! 

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

1 March 2016 - 19:37


I can't seem to be able to change lamedb


Did you try this?:



Yes I did. But when I change the "lamedb" file I can't access the channels through the channel list.

My main concern though is the "tuner error", because I perfectly receive Intelsat signals. I also can't seem to get the script up and running.


Thanks for your help though!!  :D