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Member Since 9 Mar 2016
Online Last Active Today, 12:45

Topics I've Started

userbouquet/userbouquet in channel selection

13 October 2024 - 19:04

some time ago someone asked how to get rid of showing userboquet in channel selection two times, i couldn´t find the topic so I started the new thread, unfortunetly I came upon this as well, in channel selection you can with blue go to favourites, not only with blue but "0", if you press "0" more times you get userboququet shown twice or once, just try it out



WebP on enigma2

21 February 2024 - 16:22

I found the way how to display this modern image format in enigma2, well not directly but with the use of ffmpeg, on the PC the conversion is done in a second, I tried it on PLi 8.3 and ffmpeg misses webp codec there, can you try this on PLi develop, I assume ffmpeg is uptodate,if not can you add webp codec please, how long does it take to perform conversion

ffmpeg -y -i sample.webp -vf loop=-1:1 -t 5 sample.mp4

the output is the 5 secs video clip (actually still picture) in mp4 format, if you press pause while viewing you can watch it longer not just 5 secs, you can download some sample files from

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