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Member Since 21 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active 01 Dec 2021 18:20

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Epgimport.log --> What does that mean?

27 October 2020 - 10:15


that was it! That has never happened to me ...




Thank you doglover!

In Topic: Black screen and no sound after 2 days, although EPG import works successfully

19 October 2020 - 20:45

Thank you very,very much catastrofus!!!!  :)

In Topic: Black screen and no sound after 2 days, although EPG import works successfully

19 October 2020 - 16:35


In Topic: Black screen and no sound after 2 days, although EPG import works successfully

18 October 2020 - 19:43

Can someone please post an epgimport.log that runs "completely normally"?

In Topic: Black screen and no sound after 2 days, although EPG import works successfully

18 October 2020 - 18:46



The error message is clear you have DNS resolution problem.


DNS lookup failed:


Try to use the google DNS instead of your ISP DNS: and


Changes made and Google DNS entered, restarted network - problem still there

Ping www.xmltvepg.nl via Putty in the Vu+ = 
No blocking or no loss of connection. The ping goes through without any problems.
Same with Ping www.xmltvepg.nl via cmd in my laptop