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Member Since 29 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active 13 May 2016 08:10

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Multiple user for OpenWebif

20 April 2016 - 07:35



I'm trying out a thought, and I'm not sure if it's possible. I have a DM800SE HD and I'm streaming channels through Kodi to my living-room and bedroom. To begin with, I started with Kodi on a RaspBerry Pi 3 in the living-room, and the stream goes smoothly, no issues here. But then I was thinking if it's possible to stream the channels from the dreambox to our bedroom at the same time while streaming to the living-room. I'v installed Kodi on Apple TV 4 and setup another user (not root) for the bedroom, let's call them:


user1: living-room

user2: bedroom


Surprisingly I'm able to stream to booth TV's simultaneously on the criteria that booth TV's are streaming the same channel. I'f I try to switch channel on one of the TV's, I'm only allowed to do so depending on which TV was first logged in :)


Is there a way of watching different channels simultaneously? I know that an extra Dreambox/Vu+ would solve the problem, but I would like to know if it's possible the other way around.

Decision: Open Pli

29 March 2016 - 07:41



I'm all new to this forum, and I've considered to install the Open Pli image on my DM800HD SE (Not a clone), as I've heard positives about the image. Currently I'm running the latest image of NewNigma2, and I'm pretty much satisfied with it. From what I've read and heard some tend more to NewNigma while others says 'Open Pli' is a must, therefore I've decided to try Open Pli after years with NewNigma2. Before the install of Open Pli I have some quesitons, and I hope some of you guys have the answers. I think it's necessary having tried both images before being able to answer the questions.


1. The main differences of setting up Open Pli vs NewNigma2? Do I need to be aware of something which could be crucial?


2. Will I be able to load my channel-list with bouquets etc. directly by exporting my current channel-list from NewNigma2 and sendind the files to the dreambox when Open Pli is installed?


3. Does Open Pli contain/is-it-possible-to-install a web interface such as NewNigma2 is born with an installed webinterface plugin?


4. If yes: The web interface of Open Pli is better/worse, because? This is more or less a 'In my opinion Open Pli/NewNigma2 is better/worse because there are....'


5. Is FlashExpander available in Open Pli? - I've had som issues with NewNigma2 where I ran out of Flash memory, and had to install the image from new, and install FlashExpander, which expanded the flash capacity to a USB. This gave me the option to install more plugins (even If I'm not downloading skins, picons etc. the flash space was full shortly after installing NewNigma2).


6. I'm using the Positioner Setup in NewNigma2 to fine tune the position of my satellite dish, is this feature available in Open Pli?


7) This question is not directly linked to Open Pli, but I would assume it's the same issue if it's possible to stream through the web interface in Open Pli. Sometimes I'm streaming content through the web interface in NewNigma2 (outside of my home) through my iPhone, iPad etc. I was just wondering even if I have changed the password on root, or in this case, using another user (created through Telnet), I've found out that through IP sniffing the *.m3u files content can be sniffed and used by others to stream through ie. VLC without having the user or pass to my dreambox. I'm just wondering why is this not more protected, or is there a way to protect my streaming-method?


I think these are my questions for now. I know there are a lot, and I hope some of you will answer them. Please feel free to elaborate if necessary.