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Member Since 27 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active 03 May 2016 12:31

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In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

28 April 2016 - 10:50

Hi, does someone knows why all versions of MetrixHD are "too big" for my screen ??? (OpenPLI 4, DM800HDSE)

I tried many themes but only this one have this behavior. I installed different versions, different plugins and it's always a little to big for my screen. My tv is OK fullhd and so on, that's really theme related. It 's the same behavior as if I enable OpenPli-FULL-HD theme. I found some other people asking for that but no body seems to get an answer / solution. Thanks for your advice I really would like to be able to use these amazing theme.


Well it seems corrected.... :-) I was able to solve it by changing TV parameters for the screen.

In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

28 April 2016 - 09:13

Hi, does someone knows why all versions of MetrixHD are "too big" for my screen ??? (OpenPLI 4, DM800HDSE)

I tried many themes but only this one have this behavior. I installed different versions, different plugins and it's always a little to big for my screen. My tv is OK fullhd and so on, that's really theme related. It 's the same behavior as if I enable OpenPli-FULL-HD theme. I found some other people asking for that but no body seems to get an answer / solution. Thanks for your advice I really would like to be able to use these amazing theme.