My 2 'antique' solo2 still work good enough to keep them running for a while more.
Been fine on 8.3, then had a go at latest 9.0 to see what would happen.
Lost any and all possibility to connect to box through network. Lan to router ok, but some 'connection refused' with all pc programs and android level meter apps, all settings\ip etc correct. Going back to 8.3 = connections ok immediately, the great krkadoni app working great.
Blindscan in 9.0 will not start scan, shows a line saying some missing file. OK in 8.3.
Anyway, nothing important for this old end of life box, will just stay on 8.3. Still many solo2 users out there? May find this info useful. And thanks for all your good work!
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Solo2, some 9.0 comments
12 July 2024 - 22:11
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