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Member Since 20 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active 25 Jun 2020 12:24

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In Topic: Buyukbang Panel - Unique Features !

12 June 2020 - 12:44

Two days of using. Plugin is doing it`s job. It copy`s EPG to destination channels. But i have noticed one drawback. When you are watching some channel and event has changed EPG doesn`t refreshes automatically in 1-st and second infobar. In both infobars EPG remains from event that was when you switched to channel. You have to switch to another channel and return back to refresh the EPG.

In Topic: Buyukbang Panel - Unique Features !

10 June 2020 - 18:13

Hi. The plugin is working on my image. But it doesn`t load EPG automatically. Every day i have to open each Source channel in EPG bucket manually. Otherwise i won`t get EPG on Destination channel`s. Log tell`s that all 3 patches are installed. It also report that each hour it found EPG on Source channels and copied it to Destination channels. My receiver is Duo4k. Image openpli 7.2.

In Topic: Get EPG from another channel

3 June 2020 - 15:24

Thanks, mcfly82. 

I'll try to figure it out.