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Member Since 17 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active 21 Feb 2023 16:37

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NASA UHD

9 March 2022 - 11:46

Well around my market couldn't find any with the needed spec at a reasonable price level. AMIKO Viper 4K V30 is a good price/value product. Everything else with similar spec costs at least double.

In Topic: NASA UHD

4 March 2022 - 15:16

I've been a fan of OpenPLi since the good old DM600 times when we were so happy with a nice and stable enigma-based PVR box. Changed several HD boxes since, but always stayed faithful to you. Even contributed a lot o Hungarian translation here which I see now was copied by all the other image teams too...


And now I'm faced that I have to drop my favourite image.

In Topic: NASA UHD

24 February 2022 - 13:29

NASA TV UHD on 1W giving same problem.

AMIKO Viper 4K V30 (OpenATV image) displays this channel perfectly on 1W.


Wish we had OpenPLi for this nice box...