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Member Since 23 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active 01 Jun 2024 11:41

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In Topic: YouTube - There was an error in creating entry list!

26 August 2020 - 19:26



Ok I indeed used notepad (default editor from filezilla /grin) I now use Notepad ++.


Little lost here...


What I did

- removed the YouTube version 521 that I installed from the feed.

- Installed version 558: opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_h1+git558+93bd276-r0.0_all.ipk

- deleted file /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key (because this also worked with the 521 version)

error again.


What more did I do:

- Created the file YouTube.key with notepad++

- Uploaded /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key

- restarted enigma, error again.



- Remove /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key

Logged out YouTube 

- Reauthenticate YouTube

restarted enigma, error again (this should work cause I now have the same setup as with version 521).


- Logged out Youtube

- Created new keys with new google account

- Created the file YouTube.key with notepad++

- Uploaded /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key

- restarted enigma, error again.


- Logged in Youtube with new account

- restarted enigma, error again.

- Uploaded /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key


- restarted enigma, error again.


I now revert everything back to version 521 from the feed with no YouTube.key file.

This so my Little girls (age 7 and 4) can dance again to there favorite music :-)

Any tips are welcome.

In Topic: YouTube - There was an error in creating entry list!

26 August 2020 - 10:37

Hello Taapat,


:-) All is working fine now. 


Ok, what I did to make it work:

- version that I installed manually from http://taapat.ho.ua/...plugin-youtube/ was version 558 installed with "opkg install <filename>.ipk"

- removed the latest version that I installed manually opkg remove <installed version>

- deleted file /etc/enigma2/YouTube.key

- Installed latest YouTube version from the feed like you advised (version 521)

- Restarted enigma


Did some more testing:

- Copied my YouTube.key back same error again. Deleted YouTube.key all is working again.

- Installed latest YouTube again (version 558) and no YouTube.key file, error again. 


So issues was that I installed latest version manually. When I installed the latest version from the feed all is working ok.


Still I have a question about the YouTube.key file. This should work because I'm now using your keys.

How should the YouTube.key file look like, I tried tried with no space, single quotes double quotes.


Kind regards,
