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Member Since 12 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active 22 Aug 2018 12:39

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In Topic: Why does nobody care about Permanent Timeshift?

11 December 2016 - 16:54

Appearently you are the only one complaining about it, so I guess "important" is relative. I personally have no need for PTS, and I even hardly use the regular timeshift. And I think this is true for a lot of other people.


We do not maintain external plugins, that is the authors responsibility. If the author doesn't care about compatibility, and the plugin doesn't work anymore, let us know and we will remove it from the repository.


WanWizard - you're not the hub of the universe! How can you write such an arrogant type in the end user support forum? In the name of PLI?

Already once again noticed!

In Topic: Why does nobody care about Permanent Timeshift?

11 December 2016 - 15:24

Hmm Littlesat ... you bring every day a new image update ... but to such an important function / plugin as PTS does not care? If it can the other image ... it should nevertheless PLI can.

Sorry - I can not understand. You have the wrong priorities ... if you neglect a comfortable PTS.


The error in 1.4b is perhaps only a small error...



In Topic: Why does nobody care about Permanent Timeshift?

11 December 2016 - 14:53

Previously ... I have never used an external PTS plugin!


I use Permanent Timeshift 1.4b from the PLI feed. If that would work ... everything would be fine. I do not use PT of Homey! The 1.4b of the PLI feed is in my opinion almost identical as that of Homey.

The integrated timeline of the PLI is not sufficient. Either expand the integrated to the functions of the 1.4b. Or the 1.4b of the feed completely rework ... so that there is no GS.

In my opinion important:
1. Every single shipment must be stored retroactively by Timeshift ... individually
2. When switching during Timeshift (Timeshift save action on the zap), the first part has to be stored and the rest must be recorded. And then join again.
The second recorded part should then also be visible as a recording. In this recording, VPS can be activated later.

It is nothing more. Everything already included in the 1.4b of the feed - just it does not work! GS on the tape at the end of the timeshift (via stop button).

Why does not anyone take a closer look at my x-times crashlogs? The best solution in my opinion would be the plugin to rework. However, the integrated timeshift would have to be deactivated.


Except for Permanent Timeshift PLI runs with me very well.



In Topic: PLI 4.0 ... Blindscan does not work properly - channels double

29 October 2016 - 15:05

There are more changes pending locally here in ServiceInfo.py.... so please hold on here.... (the solution in the merge request has also it's side effects...)


Hi, that is currently the ServiceInfo.py is not fixed separately? Only in the whole later?

In Topic: PLI 4.0 ... Blindscan does not work properly - channels double

29 October 2016 - 00:47


Need fix ServiceInfo.py,this question to littlesat


Thanks Dimitrij. How the procedure here is I do not know. The blind scan now works perfectly. I test but still further.

@Littlesat: Fix you / Pli-team ServiceInfo.py? Is that possible?

