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Member Since 20 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active 09 May 2023 20:37

Topics I've Started

Enigma IPTV bouquet -> Android or Windows player?

5 May 2023 - 12:46



Is there a way to use the Enigma IPTV bouquets on an Android or Windows based IPTV player?

I guess I would need some kind of bouquet converter and then might be able to import into another Android/Windows application?



Is there a YouTube plugin where I can save my favourites?

21 March 2023 - 19:38

As per title

Thank you

Flashing 8.3 on OSMini gives blue screen!

19 March 2023 - 14:36

I'm trying to upgrade from 7.3 to 8.3 with the latest images from the DL section.


The update starts but when the progress indicator (while writing the root.fs) is at about 50% the screen turns blue and the box seems to be stuck there.


Then when I reboot the box it starts as if nothing has really been written and the box runs just fine with the old 7.3 configuration.


Is the first 50% of the root.fs flash process just a checksum verification maybe?



Any thoughts appreciated




OSMini V8.3 boot loop after crash?

10 March 2023 - 20:37

My OSMini crashed while switching IPTV channels.


After the automatic reboot it would get to '19' in the display, show a green screen with a spinner and then go back to the initial 'OpenPLI' screen.


I then turned the receiver off, gave it a minute and powered on again.

Now it's not even counting up anymore.


Display says 'boot' -> 'OpenPLI' screen. ->  green screen with a spinner, then back to 'OpenPLI' screen -> Endless Loop.


I just recently did an online update to V8.3 and while (before) crashes were rare the receiver always rebooted.



Is there anything I can do (recovery options) or is this going to be a fresh install? :(


Thank you









#EXTM3U / M3U / IPTV player?

31 January 2023 - 20:57

Is there a player available that understands

EXTM3U format?


It seems to be some kind of enriched M3U .


If no availability for EXTM3U, then is there something for M3U?


Thank you